# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Mutations::Issues::Update do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) } let_it_be(:project_label) { create(:label, project: project) } let_it_be(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project, labels: [project_label]) } let_it_be(:milestone) { create(:milestone, project: project) } let(:expected_attributes) do { title: 'new title', description: 'new description', confidential: true, due_date: Date.tomorrow, discussion_locked: true, milestone_id: milestone.id } end let(:mutation) { described_class.new(object: nil, context: { current_user: user }, field: nil) } let(:mutated_issue) { subject[:issue] } specify { expect(described_class).to require_graphql_authorizations(:update_issue) } describe '#resolve' do let(:mutation_params) do { project_path: project.full_path, iid: issue.iid }.merge(expected_attributes) end subject { mutation.resolve(mutation_params) } context 'when the user cannot access the issue' do it 'raises an error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ResourceNotAvailable) end end context 'when the user can update the issue' do before do project.add_developer(user) end it 'updates issue with correct values' do subject expect(issue.reload).to have_attributes(expected_attributes) end context 'when iid does not exist' do it 'raises resource not available error' do mutation_params[:iid] = non_existing_record_iid expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ResourceNotAvailable) end end context 'when setting milestone to nil' do let(:expected_attributes) { { milestone_id: nil } } it 'changes the milestone corrrectly' do issue.update_column(:milestone_id, milestone.id) expect { subject }.to change { issue.reload.milestone }.from(milestone).to(nil) end end context 'when changing labels' do let_it_be(:label_1) { create(:label, project: project) } let_it_be(:label_2) { create(:label, project: project) } let_it_be(:external_label) { create(:label, project: create(:project)) } it 'adds and removes labels correctly' do mutation_params[:add_label_ids] = [label_1.id, label_2.id] mutation_params[:remove_label_ids] = [project_label.id] subject expect(issue.reload.labels).to match_array([label_1, label_2]) end it 'does not add label if label id is nil' do mutation_params[:add_label_ids] = [nil, label_2.id] subject expect(issue.reload.labels).to match_array([project_label, label_2]) end it 'does not add label if label is not found' do mutation_params[:add_label_ids] = [external_label.id, label_2.id] subject expect(issue.reload.labels).to match_array([project_label, label_2]) end it 'does not modify labels if label is already present' do mutation_params[:add_label_ids] = [project_label.id] expect(issue.reload.labels).to match_array([project_label]) end it 'does not modify labels if label is addded and removed in the same request' do mutation_params[:add_label_ids] = [label_1.id, label_2.id] mutation_params[:remove_label_ids] = [label_1.id] subject expect(issue.reload.labels).to match_array([project_label, label_2]) end end end end end