import Vue from 'vue'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { createComponentWithStore } from 'helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; import { getByText } from '@testing-library/dom'; import { createStore } from '~/mr_notes/stores'; import DiffExpansionCell from '~/diffs/components/diff_expansion_cell.vue'; import { getPreviousLineIndex } from '~/diffs/store/utils'; import { INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE } from '~/diffs/constants'; import diffFileMockData from '../mock_data/diff_file'; const EXPAND_UP_CLASS = '.js-unfold'; const EXPAND_DOWN_CLASS = '.js-unfold-down'; const LINE_TO_USE = 5; const lineSources = { [INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE]: 'highlighted_diff_lines', [PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE]: 'parallel_diff_lines', }; const lineHandlers = { [INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE]: line => line, [PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE]: line => line.right || line.left, }; function makeLoadMoreLinesPayload({ sinceLine, toLine, oldLineNumber, diffViewType, fileHash, nextLineNumbers = {}, unfold = false, bottom = false, isExpandDown = false, }) { return { endpoint: 'contextLinesPath', params: { since: sinceLine, to: toLine, offset: toLine + 1 - oldLineNumber, view: diffViewType, unfold, bottom, }, lineNumbers: { oldLineNumber, newLineNumber: toLine + 1, }, nextLineNumbers, fileHash, isExpandDown, }; } function getLine(file, type, index) { const source = lineSources[type]; const handler = lineHandlers[type]; return handler(file[source][index]); } describe('DiffExpansionCell', () => { let mockFile; let mockLine; let store; let vm; beforeEach(() => { mockFile = cloneDeep(diffFileMockData); mockLine = getLine(mockFile, INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, LINE_TO_USE); store = createStore(); store.state.diffs.diffFiles = [mockFile]; jest.spyOn(store, 'dispatch').mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()); }); const createComponent = (options = {}) => { const cmp = Vue.extend(DiffExpansionCell); const defaults = { fileHash: mockFile.file_hash, contextLinesPath: 'contextLinesPath', line: mockLine, isTop: false, isBottom: false, }; const props = { ...defaults, ...options }; vm = createComponentWithStore(cmp, store, props).$mount(); }; const findExpandUp = () => vm.$el.querySelector(EXPAND_UP_CLASS); const findExpandDown = () => vm.$el.querySelector(EXPAND_DOWN_CLASS); const findExpandAll = () => getByText(vm.$el, 'Show unchanged lines'); describe('top row', () => { it('should have "expand up" and "show all" option', () => { createComponent({ isTop: true, }); expect(findExpandUp()).not.toBe(null); expect(findExpandDown()).toBe(null); expect(findExpandAll()).not.toBe(null); }); }); describe('middle row', () => { it('should have "expand down", "show all", "expand up" option', () => { createComponent(); expect(findExpandUp()).not.toBe(null); expect(findExpandDown()).not.toBe(null); expect(findExpandAll()).not.toBe(null); }); }); describe('bottom row', () => { it('should have "expand down" and "show all" option', () => { createComponent({ isBottom: true, }); expect(findExpandUp()).toBe(null); expect(findExpandDown()).not.toBe(null); expect(findExpandAll()).not.toBe(null); }); }); describe('any row', () => { [ { diffViewType: INLINE_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, file: { parallel_diff_lines: [] } }, { diffViewType: PARALLEL_DIFF_VIEW_TYPE, file: { highlighted_diff_lines: [] } }, ].forEach(({ diffViewType, file }) => { describe(`with diffViewType (${diffViewType})`, () => { beforeEach(() => { mockLine = getLine(mockFile, diffViewType, LINE_TO_USE); store.state.diffs.diffFiles = [{ ...mockFile, ...file }]; store.state.diffs.diffViewType = diffViewType; }); it('does not initially dispatch anything', () => { expect(store.dispatch).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('on expand all clicked, dispatch loadMoreLines', () => { const oldLineNumber = mockLine.meta_data.old_pos; const newLineNumber = mockLine.meta_data.new_pos; const previousIndex = getPreviousLineIndex(diffViewType, mockFile, { oldLineNumber, newLineNumber, }); createComponent(); findExpandAll().click(); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'diffs/loadMoreLines', makeLoadMoreLinesPayload({ fileHash: mockFile.file_hash, toLine: newLineNumber - 1, sinceLine: previousIndex, oldLineNumber, diffViewType, }), ); }); it('on expand up clicked, dispatch loadMoreLines', () => { mockLine.meta_data.old_pos = 200; mockLine.meta_data.new_pos = 200; const oldLineNumber = mockLine.meta_data.old_pos; const newLineNumber = mockLine.meta_data.new_pos; createComponent(); findExpandUp().click(); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'diffs/loadMoreLines', makeLoadMoreLinesPayload({ fileHash: mockFile.file_hash, toLine: newLineNumber - 1, sinceLine: 179, oldLineNumber, diffViewType, unfold: true, }), ); }); it('on expand down clicked, dispatch loadMoreLines', () => { mockFile[lineSources[diffViewType]][LINE_TO_USE + 1] = cloneDeep( mockFile[lineSources[diffViewType]][LINE_TO_USE], ); const nextLine = getLine(mockFile, diffViewType, LINE_TO_USE + 1); nextLine.meta_data.old_pos = 300; nextLine.meta_data.new_pos = 300; mockLine.meta_data.old_pos = 200; mockLine.meta_data.new_pos = 200; createComponent(); findExpandDown().click(); expect(store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('diffs/loadMoreLines', { endpoint: 'contextLinesPath', params: { since: 1, to: 21, // the load amount, plus 1 line offset: 0, view: diffViewType, unfold: true, bottom: true, }, lineNumbers: { // when expanding down, these are based on the previous line, 0, in this case oldLineNumber: 0, newLineNumber: 0, }, nextLineNumbers: { old_line: 200, new_line: 200 }, fileHash: mockFile.file_hash, isExpandDown: true, }); }); }); }); }); });