# frozen_string_literal: true module WorkerAttributes extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Gitlab::ClassAttributes # Resource boundaries that workers can declare through the # `resource_boundary` attribute VALID_RESOURCE_BOUNDARIES = [:memory, :cpu, :unknown].freeze # Urgencies that workers can declare through the `urgencies` attribute VALID_URGENCIES = [:high, :low, :throttled].freeze NAMESPACE_WEIGHTS = { auto_devops: 2, auto_merge: 3, chaos: 2, deployment: 3, mail_scheduler: 2, notifications: 2, pipeline_cache: 3, pipeline_creation: 4, pipeline_default: 3, pipeline_hooks: 2, pipeline_processing: 5, # EE-specific epics: 2, incident_management: 2, security_scans: 2 }.stringify_keys.freeze class_methods do def feature_category(value, *extras) raise "Invalid category. Use `feature_category_not_owned!` to mark a worker as not owned" if value == :not_owned class_attributes[:feature_category] = value end # Special case: mark this work as not associated with a feature category # this should be used for cross-cutting concerns, such as mailer workers. def feature_category_not_owned! class_attributes[:feature_category] = :not_owned end def get_feature_category get_class_attribute(:feature_category) end def feature_category_not_owned? get_feature_category == :not_owned end # This should be set to :high for jobs that need to be run # immediately, or, if they are delayed, risk creating # inconsistencies in the application that could being perceived by # the user as incorrect behavior (ie, a bug) # # See # doc/development/sidekiq_style_guide.md#urgency # for details def urgency(urgency) raise "Invalid urgency: #{urgency}" unless VALID_URGENCIES.include?(urgency) class_attributes[:urgency] = urgency end def get_urgency class_attributes[:urgency] || :low end # Set this attribute on a job when it will call to services outside of the # application, such as 3rd party applications, other k8s clusters etc See # doc/development/sidekiq_style_guide.md#jobs-with-external-dependencies for # details def worker_has_external_dependencies! class_attributes[:external_dependencies] = true end # Returns a truthy value if the worker has external dependencies. # See doc/development/sidekiq_style_guide.md#jobs-with-external-dependencies # for details def worker_has_external_dependencies? class_attributes[:external_dependencies] end def worker_resource_boundary(boundary) raise "Invalid boundary" unless VALID_RESOURCE_BOUNDARIES.include? boundary class_attributes[:resource_boundary] = boundary end def get_worker_resource_boundary class_attributes[:resource_boundary] || :unknown end def idempotent! class_attributes[:idempotent] = true end def idempotent? class_attributes[:idempotent] end def weight(value) class_attributes[:weight] = value end def get_weight class_attributes[:weight] || NAMESPACE_WEIGHTS[queue_namespace] || 1 end def tags(*values) class_attributes[:tags] = values end def get_tags Array(class_attributes[:tags]) end def deduplicate(strategy, options = {}) class_attributes[:deduplication_strategy] = strategy class_attributes[:deduplication_options] = options end def get_deduplicate_strategy class_attributes[:deduplication_strategy] || Gitlab::SidekiqMiddleware::DuplicateJobs::DuplicateJob::DEFAULT_STRATEGY end def get_deduplication_options class_attributes[:deduplication_options] || {} end end end