# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module EventStore class Store attr_reader :subscriptions def initialize @subscriptions = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } yield(self) if block_given? # freeze the subscriptions as safety measure to avoid further # subcriptions after initialization. lock! end def subscribe(worker, to:, if: nil) condition = binding.local_variable_get('if') Array(to).each do |event| validate_subscription!(worker, event) subscriptions[event] << Gitlab::EventStore::Subscription.new(worker, condition) end end def publish(event) unless event.is_a?(Event) raise InvalidEvent, "Event being published is not an instance of Gitlab::EventStore::Event: got #{event.inspect}" end subscriptions[event.class].each do |subscription| subscription.consume_event(event) end end private def lock! @subscriptions.freeze end def validate_subscription!(subscriber, event_class) unless event_class < Event raise InvalidEvent, "Event being subscribed to is not a subclass of Gitlab::EventStore::Event: got #{event_class}" end unless subscriber.respond_to?(:perform_async) raise InvalidSubscriber, "Subscriber is not an ApplicationWorker: got #{subscriber}" end end end end end