import { GlSprintf } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import ApplicationRow from '~/clusters/components/application_row.vue'; import UninstallApplicationConfirmationModal from '~/clusters/components/uninstall_application_confirmation_modal.vue'; import UpdateApplicationConfirmationModal from '~/clusters/components/update_application_confirmation_modal.vue'; import { APPLICATION_STATUS, ELASTIC_STACK } from '~/clusters/constants'; import eventHub from '~/clusters/event_hub'; import { DEFAULT_APPLICATION_STATE } from '../services/mock_data'; describe('Application Row', () => { let wrapper; afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); }); const mountComponent = (data) => { wrapper = shallowMount(ApplicationRow, { stubs: { GlSprintf }, propsData: { ...DEFAULT_APPLICATION_STATE,, }, }); }; describe('Title', () => { it('shows title', () => { mountComponent({ titleLink: null }); const title = wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-title'); expect(title.element).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLSpanElement); expect(title.text()).toEqual(DEFAULT_APPLICATION_STATE.title); }); it('shows title link', () => { expect(DEFAULT_APPLICATION_STATE.titleLink).toBeDefined(); mountComponent(); const title = wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-title'); expect(title.element).toBeInstanceOf(HTMLAnchorElement); expect(title.text()).toEqual(DEFAULT_APPLICATION_STATE.title); }); }); describe('Install button', () => { const button = () => wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-install-button'); const checkButtonState = (label, loading, disabled) => { expect(button().text()).toEqual(label); expect(button().props('loading')).toEqual(loading); expect(button().props('disabled')).toEqual(disabled); }; it('has indeterminate state on page load', () => { mountComponent({ status: null }); expect(button().text()).toBe(''); }); it('has install button', () => { mountComponent(); expect(button().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('has disabled "Install" when APPLICATION_STATUS.NOT_INSTALLABLE', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.NOT_INSTALLABLE }); checkButtonState('Install', false, true); }); it('has enabled "Install" when APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLABLE', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLABLE }); checkButtonState('Install', false, false); }); it('has loading "Installing" when APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLING', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLING }); checkButtonState('Installing', true, true); }); it('has disabled "Install" when APPLICATION_STATUS.UNINSTALLED', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.UNINSTALLED }); checkButtonState('Install', false, true); }); it('has disabled "Externally installed" when APPLICATION_STATUS.EXTERNALLY_INSTALLED', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.EXTERNALLY_INSTALLED }); checkButtonState('Externally installed', false, true); }); it('has disabled "Installed" when application is installed and not uninstallable', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLED, installed: true, uninstallable: false, }); checkButtonState('Installed', false, true); }); it('hides when application is installed and uninstallable', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLED, installed: true, uninstallable: true, }); expect(button().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('has enabled "Install" when install fails', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLABLE, installFailed: true, }); checkButtonState('Install', false, false); }); it('has disabled "Install" when installation disabled', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLABLE, installable: false, }); checkButtonState('Install', false, true); }); it('has enabled "Install" when REQUEST_FAILURE (so you can try installing again)', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLABLE }); checkButtonState('Install', false, false); }); it('clicking install button emits event', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLABLE }); button().vm.$emit('click'); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('installApplication', { id:, params: {}, }); }); it('clicking install button when installApplicationRequestParams are provided emits event', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLABLE, installApplicationRequestParams: { hostname: 'jupyter' }, }); button().vm.$emit('click'); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('installApplication', { id:, params: { hostname: 'jupyter' }, }); }); it('clicking disabled install button emits nothing', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLING }); expect(button().props('disabled')).toEqual(true); button().vm.$emit('click'); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('Uninstall button', () => { it('displays button when app is installed and uninstallable', () => { mountComponent({ installed: true, uninstallable: true, status: APPLICATION_STATUS.NOT_INSTALLABLE, }); const uninstallButton = wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-uninstall-button'); expect(uninstallButton.exists()).toBe(true); }); it('displays a success toast message if application uninstall was successful', async () => { mountComponent({ title: 'GitLab Runner', uninstallSuccessful: false, }); wrapper.vm.$toast = { show: jest.fn() }; wrapper.setProps({ uninstallSuccessful: true }); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.$ 'GitLab Runner uninstalled successfully.', ); }); }); describe('when confirmation modal triggers confirm event', () => { it('triggers uninstallApplication event', () => { jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); mountComponent(); wrapper.find(UninstallApplicationConfirmationModal).vm.$emit('confirm'); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('uninstallApplication', { id:, }); }); }); describe('Update button', () => { const button = () => wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-update-button'); it('has indeterminate state on page load', () => { mountComponent(); expect(button().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('has enabled "Update" when "updateAvailable" is true', () => { mountComponent({ updateAvailable: true }); expect(button().exists()).toBe(true); expect(button().text()).toContain('Update'); }); it('has enabled "Retry update" when update process fails', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLED, updateFailed: true, }); expect(button().exists()).toBe(true); expect(button().text()).toContain('Retry update'); }); it('has disabled "Updating" when APPLICATION_STATUS.UPDATING', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.UPDATING }); expect(button().exists()).toBe(true); expect(button().text()).toContain('Updating'); }); it('clicking update button emits event', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLED, updateAvailable: true, }); button().vm.$emit('click'); expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('updateApplication', { id:, params: {}, }); }); it('clicking disabled update button emits nothing', () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.UPDATING }); button().vm.$emit('click'); expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('displays an error message if application update failed', () => { mountComponent({ title: 'GitLab Runner', status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLED, updateFailed: true, }); const failureMessage = wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-update-details'); expect(failureMessage.exists()).toBe(true); expect(failureMessage.text()).toContain( 'Update failed. Please check the logs and try again.', ); }); it('displays a success toast message if application update was successful', async () => { mountComponent({ title: 'GitLab Runner', updateSuccessful: false, }); wrapper.vm.$toast = { show: jest.fn() }; wrapper.setProps({ updateSuccessful: true }); await wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); expect(wrapper.vm.$'GitLab Runner updated successfully.'); }); describe('when updating does not require confirmation', () => { beforeEach(() => mountComponent({ updateAvailable: true })); it('the modal is not rendered', () => { expect(wrapper.find(UpdateApplicationConfirmationModal).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('the correct button is rendered', () => { expect(wrapper.find("[data-qa-selector='update_button']").exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('when updating requires confirmation', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ updateAvailable: true, id: ELASTIC_STACK, version: '1.1.2', }); }); it('displays a modal', () => { expect(wrapper.find(UpdateApplicationConfirmationModal).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('the correct button is rendered', () => { expect(wrapper.find("[data-qa-selector='update_button_with_confirmation']").exists()).toBe( true, ); }); it('triggers updateApplication event', () => { jest.spyOn(eventHub, '$emit'); wrapper.find(UpdateApplicationConfirmationModal).vm.$emit('confirm'); expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('updateApplication', { id: ELASTIC_STACK, params: {}, }); }); }); describe('updating Elastic Stack special case', () => { it('needs confirmation if version is lower than 3.0.0', () => { mountComponent({ updateAvailable: true, id: ELASTIC_STACK, version: '1.1.2', }); expect(wrapper.find("[data-qa-selector='update_button_with_confirmation']").exists()).toBe( true, ); expect(wrapper.find(UpdateApplicationConfirmationModal).exists()).toBe(true); }); it('does not need confirmation is version is 3.0.0', () => { mountComponent({ updateAvailable: true, id: ELASTIC_STACK, version: '3.0.0', }); expect(wrapper.find("[data-qa-selector='update_button']").exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(UpdateApplicationConfirmationModal).exists()).toBe(false); }); it('does not need confirmation if version is higher than 3.0.0', () => { mountComponent({ updateAvailable: true, id: ELASTIC_STACK, version: '5.2.1', }); expect(wrapper.find("[data-qa-selector='update_button']").exists()).toBe(true); expect(wrapper.find(UpdateApplicationConfirmationModal).exists()).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('Version', () => { const updateDetails = () => wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-update-details'); const versionEl = () => wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-update-version'); it('displays a version number if application has been updated', () => { const version = '0.1.45'; mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLED, updateSuccessful: true, version, }); expect(updateDetails().text()).toBe(`Updated to chart v${version}`); }); it('contains a link to the chart repo if application has been updated', () => { const version = '0.1.45'; const chartRepo = ''; mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLED, updateSuccessful: true, chartRepo, version, }); expect(versionEl().attributes('href')).toEqual(chartRepo); expect(versionEl().props('target')).toEqual('_blank'); }); it('does not display a version number if application update failed', () => { const version = '0.1.45'; mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.INSTALLED, updateFailed: true, version, }); expect(updateDetails().text()).toBe('Update failed'); expect(versionEl().exists()).toBe(false); }); it('displays updating when the application update is currently updating', () => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.UPDATING, updateSuccessful: true, version: '1.2.3', }); expect(updateDetails().text()).toBe('Updating'); expect(versionEl().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('Error block', () => { const generalErrorMessage = () => wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-general-error-message'); describe('when nothing fails', () => { it('does not show error block', () => { mountComponent(); expect(generalErrorMessage().exists()).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when install or uninstall fails', () => { const statusReason = 'We broke it 0.0'; const requestReason = 'We broke the request 0.0'; beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.ERROR, statusReason, requestReason, installFailed: true, }); }); it('shows status reason if it is available', () => { const statusErrorMessage = wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-status-error-message'); expect(statusErrorMessage.text()).toEqual(statusReason); }); it('shows request reason if it is available', () => { const requestErrorMessage = wrapper.find('.js-cluster-application-request-error-message'); expect(requestErrorMessage.text()).toEqual(requestReason); }); }); describe('when install fails', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.ERROR, installFailed: true, }); }); it('shows a general message indicating the installation failed', () => { expect(generalErrorMessage().text()).toEqual( `Something went wrong while installing ${DEFAULT_APPLICATION_STATE.title}`, ); }); }); describe('when uninstall fails', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ status: APPLICATION_STATUS.ERROR, uninstallFailed: true, }); }); it('shows a general message indicating the uninstalling failed', () => { expect(generalErrorMessage().text()).toEqual( `Something went wrong while uninstalling ${DEFAULT_APPLICATION_STATE.title}`, ); }); }); }); });