import createDiff from '~/ide/lib/create_diff'; import { canConnect, createMirror, SERVICE_NAME, PROTOCOL, MSG_CONNECTION_ERROR, SERVICE_DELAY, } from '~/ide/lib/mirror'; import { HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, HTTP_STATUS_OK } from '~/lib/utils/http_status'; import { getWebSocketUrl } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; jest.mock('~/ide/lib/create_diff', () => jest.fn()); const TEST_PATH = '/project/ide/proxy/path'; const TEST_DIFF = { patch: 'lorem ipsum', toDelete: [''], }; const TEST_ERROR = 'Something bad happened...'; const TEST_SUCCESS_RESPONSE = { data: JSON.stringify({ error: { code: 0 }, payload: { status_code: HTTP_STATUS_OK } }), }; const TEST_ERROR_RESPONSE = { data: JSON.stringify({ error: { code: 1, Message: TEST_ERROR }, payload: { status_code: HTTP_STATUS_OK }, }), }; const TEST_ERROR_PAYLOAD_RESPONSE = { data: JSON.stringify({ error: { code: 0 }, payload: { status_code: HTTP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, error_message: TEST_ERROR }, }), }; const buildUploadMessage = ({ toDelete, patch }) => JSON.stringify({ code: 'EVENT', namespace: '/files', event: 'PATCH', payload: { diff: patch, delete_files: toDelete }, }); describe('ide/lib/mirror', () => { describe('canConnect', () => { it('can connect if the session has the expected service', () => { const result = canConnect({ services: ['test1', SERVICE_NAME, 'test2'] }); expect(result).toBe(true); }); it('cannot connect if the session does not have the expected service', () => { const result = canConnect({ services: ['test1', 'test2'] }); expect(result).toBe(false); }); }); describe('createMirror', () => { const origWebSocket = global.WebSocket; let mirror; let mockWebSocket; beforeEach(() => { mockWebSocket = { close: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), }; global.WebSocket = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => mockWebSocket); mirror = createMirror(); }); afterEach(() => { global.WebSocket = origWebSocket; }); const waitForConnection = (delay = SERVICE_DELAY) => { const wait = new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, 10); }); jest.advanceTimersByTime(delay); return wait; }; const connectPass = () => waitForConnection().then(() => mockWebSocket.onopen()); const connectFail = () => waitForConnection().then(() => mockWebSocket.onerror()); const sendResponse = (msg) => { mockWebSocket.onmessage(msg); }; describe('connect', () => { let connection; beforeEach(() => { connection = mirror.connect(TEST_PATH); }); it('waits before creating web socket', () => { // ignore error when test suite terminates connection.catch(() => {}); return waitForConnection(SERVICE_DELAY - 10).then(() => { expect(global.WebSocket).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('is canceled when disconnected before finished waiting', () => { mirror.disconnect(); return waitForConnection(SERVICE_DELAY).then(() => { expect(global.WebSocket).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('when connection is successful', () => { beforeEach(connectPass); it('connects to service', () => { const expectedPath = `${getWebSocketUrl(TEST_PATH)}?service=${SERVICE_NAME}`; return connection.then(() => { expect(global.WebSocket).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedPath, [PROTOCOL]); }); }); it('disconnects when connected again', () => { const result = connection .then(() => { // // eslint-disable-next-line promise/no-nesting mirror.connect(TEST_PATH).catch(() => {}); }) .then(() => { expect(mockWebSocket.close).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); return result; }); }); describe('when connection fails', () => { beforeEach(connectFail); it('rejects with error', () => { return expect(connection).rejects.toEqual(new Error(MSG_CONNECTION_ERROR)); }); }); }); describe('upload', () => { let state; beforeEach(() => { state = { changedFiles: [] }; createDiff.mockReturnValue(TEST_DIFF); const connection = mirror.connect(TEST_PATH); return connectPass().then(() => connection); }); it('creates a diff from the given state', () => { const result = mirror.upload(state); sendResponse(TEST_SUCCESS_RESPONSE); return result.then(() => { expect(createDiff).toHaveBeenCalledWith(state); expect(mockWebSocket.send).toHaveBeenCalledWith(buildUploadMessage(TEST_DIFF)); }); }); it.each` response | description ${TEST_ERROR_RESPONSE} | ${'error in error'} ${TEST_ERROR_PAYLOAD_RESPONSE} | ${'error in payload'} `('rejects if response has $description', ({ response }) => { const result = mirror.upload(state); sendResponse(response); return expect(result).rejects.toEqual({ message: TEST_ERROR }); }); }); }); });