- button_path = local_assigns.fetch(:button_path, false) .row.empty-state .col-12 .svg-content = image_tag 'illustrations/snippets_empty.svg' .text-content - if current_user %h4 = s_('SnippetsEmptyState|Snippets are small pieces of code or notes that you want to keep.') %p = s_('SnippetsEmptyState|They can be either public or private.') .text-center - if button_path = link_to s_('SnippetsEmptyState|New snippet'), button_path, class: 'btn btn-success', title: s_('SnippetsEmptyState|New snippet'), id: 'new_snippet_link' - unless current_page?(dashboard_snippets_path) = link_to s_('SnippetsEmptyState|Explore public snippets'), explore_snippets_path, class: 'btn btn-default', title: s_('SnippetsEmptyState|Explore public snippets') - else %h4.text-center= s_('SnippetsEmptyState|There are no snippets to show.')