stage: Manage
group: Compliance
info: "To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments"
type: reference, api

# External Status Checks API **(ULTIMATE)**

> - [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/3869) in GitLab 14.0, disabled behind the `:ff_external_status_checks` feature flag.
> - [Feature flag removed](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/320783) in GitLab 14.1.

## List status checks for a merge request

For a single merge request, list the external status checks that apply to it and their status.

GET /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/status_checks


| Attribute                | Type    | Required | Description                |
| ------------------------ | ------- | -------- | -------------------------- |
| `id`                     | integer | yes      | ID of a project            |
| `merge_request_iid`      | integer | yes      | IID of a merge request     |

        "id": 2,
        "name": "Rule 1",
        "external_url": "https://gitlab.com/test-endpoint",
        "status": "pass"
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Rule 2",
        "external_url": "https://gitlab.com/test-endpoint-2",
        "status": "pending"

## Set status of an external status check

> - Introduced in GitLab 14.9, `passed` status to pass external status checks. Introduced [with a flag](../administration/feature_flags.md) named `status_checks_add_status_field`. Disabled by default.
> - Introduced in GitLab 14.9, `failed` status to fail external status checks. Introduced [with a flag](../administration/feature_flags.md) named `status_checks_add_status_field`. Disabled by default.
> - `pass` status to pass checks is [deprecated](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/339039) in GitLab 14.9. Replaced with `passed`.

On self-managed GitLab, by default setting `passed` instead of `pass` is unavailable. Also, setting `failed` is unavailable by default. To support
setting `passed` and `failed` instead of only `pass`, ask an administrator to [enable the feature flag](../administration/feature_flags.md) named
`status_checks_add_status_field`. On GitLab.com, this feature is not available.

For a single merge request, use the API to inform GitLab that a merge request has passed a check by an external service.
To set the status of an external check, the personal access token used must belong to a user with at least the Developer role on the target project of the merge request.

Execute this API call as any user with rights to approve the merge request itself.

POST /projects/:id/merge_requests/:merge_request_iid/status_check_responses


| Attribute                  | Type    | Required | Description                                                                  |
| -------------------------- | ------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `id`                       | integer | yes      | ID of a project                                                              |
| `merge_request_iid`        | integer | yes      | IID of a merge request                                                       |
| `sha`                      | string  | yes      | SHA at `HEAD` of the source branch                                           |
| `external_status_check_id` | integer | yes      | ID of an external status check                                               |
| `status`                   | string  | no       | Set to `passed` to pass the check or `failed` to fail it (GitLab 14.9 and later with feature flag `status_checks_add_status_field` enabled) |
| `status`                   | string  | no       | Set to `pass` to pass the check (GitLab 14.0 to GitLab 14.8, and GitLab 14.9 and later with feature flag `status_checks_add_status_field` disabled) |

`sha` must be the SHA at the `HEAD` of the merge request's source branch.

## Get project external status checks

You can request information about a project's external status checks using the following endpoint:

GET /projects/:id/external_status_checks


| Attribute           | Type    | Required | Description         |
| `id`                | integer | yes      | ID of a project     |

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Compliance Check",
    "project_id": 6,
    "external_url": "https://gitlab.com/example/test.json",
    "protected_branches": [
        "id": 14,
        "project_id": 6,
        "name": "master",
        "created_at": "2020-10-12T14:04:50.787Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-10-12T14:04:50.787Z",
        "code_owner_approval_required": false

## Create external status check

You can create a new external status check for a project using the following endpoint:

POST /projects/:id/external_status_checks

External status checks send information about all applicable merge requests to the
defined external service. This includes confidential merge requests.

| Attribute              | Type             | Required | Description                                    |
| `id`                   | integer          | yes      | ID of a project                                |
| `name`                 | string           | yes      | Display name of status check                   |
| `external_url`         | string           | yes      | URL of status check resource                   |
| `protected_branch_ids` | `array<Integer>` | no       | IDs of protected branches to scope the rule by |

## Delete external status check

You can delete an external status check for a project using the following endpoint:

DELETE /projects/:id/external_status_checks/:check_id

| Attribute              | Type           | Required | Description           |
| `rule_id`              | integer        | yes      | ID of an status check |
| `id`                   | integer        | yes      | ID of a project       |

## Update external status check

You can update an existing external status check for a project using the following endpoint:

PUT /projects/:id/external_status_checks/:check_id

| Attribute              | Type             | Required | Description                                    |
| `id`                   | integer          | yes      | ID of a project                                |
| `rule_id`              | integer          | yes      | ID of an external status check                 |
| `name`                 | string           | no       | Display name of status check                   |
| `external_url`         | string           | no       | URL of external status check resource          |
| `protected_branch_ids` | `array<Integer>` | no       | IDs of protected branches to scope the rule by |

## Related topics

- [External status checks](../user/project/merge_requests/status_checks.md).