import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser'; import Vue from 'vue'; import { GlAlert } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; export const VARIANT_SUCCESS = 'success'; export const VARIANT_WARNING = 'warning'; export const VARIANT_DANGER = 'danger'; export const VARIANT_INFO = 'info'; export const VARIANT_TIP = 'tip'; /** * Render an alert at the top of the page, or, optionally an * arbitrary existing container. This alert is always dismissible. * * @example * // Render a new alert * import { createAlert, VARIANT_WARNING } from '~/alert'; * * createAlert({ message: 'My error message' }); * createAlert({ message: 'My warning message', variant: VARIANT_WARNING }); * * @example * // Dismiss this alert programmatically * const alert = createAlert({ message: 'Message' }); * * // ... * * alert.dismiss(); * * @example * // Respond to the alert being dismissed * createAlert({ message: 'Message', onDismiss: () => {} }); * * @param {object} options - Options to control the flash message * @param {string} options.message - Alert message text * @param {string} [options.title] - Alert title * @param {VARIANT_SUCCESS|VARIANT_WARNING|VARIANT_DANGER|VARIANT_INFO|VARIANT_TIP} [options.variant] - Which GlAlert variant to use; it defaults to VARIANT_DANGER. * @param {object} [options.parent] - Reference to parent element under which alert needs to appear. Defaults to `document`. * @param {Function} [options.onDismiss] - Handler to call when this alert is dismissed. * @param {string} [options.containerSelector] - Selector for the container of the alert * @param {boolean} [options.preservePrevious] - Set to `true` to preserve previous alerts. Defaults to `false`. * @param {object} [options.primaryButton] - Object describing primary button of alert * @param {string} [] - Href of primary button * @param {string} [options.primaryButton.text] - Text of primary button * @param {Function} [options.primaryButton.clickHandler] - Handler to call when primary button is clicked on. The click event is sent as an argument. * @param {object} [options.secondaryButton] - Object describing secondary button of alert * @param {string} [] - Href of secondary button * @param {string} [options.secondaryButton.text] - Text of secondary button * @param {Function} [options.secondaryButton.clickHandler] - Handler to call when secondary button is clicked on. The click event is sent as an argument. * @param {boolean} [options.captureError] - Whether to send error to Sentry * @param {object} [options.error] - Error to be captured in Sentry */ export const createAlert = ({ message, title, variant = VARIANT_DANGER, parent = document, containerSelector = '.flash-container', preservePrevious = false, primaryButton = null, secondaryButton = null, onDismiss = null, captureError = false, error = null, }) => { if (captureError && error) Sentry.captureException(error); const alertContainer = parent.querySelector(containerSelector); if (!alertContainer) return null; const el = document.createElement('div'); if (preservePrevious) { alertContainer.appendChild(el); } else { alertContainer.replaceChildren(el); } return new Vue({ el, components: { GlAlert, }, methods: { /** * Public method to dismiss this alert and removes * this Vue instance. */ dismiss() { if (onDismiss) { onDismiss(); } this.$destroy(); this.$el.parentNode?.removeChild(this.$el); }, }, render(h) { const on = {}; on.dismiss = () => { this.dismiss(); }; if (primaryButton?.clickHandler) { on.primaryAction = (e) => { primaryButton.clickHandler(e); }; } if (secondaryButton?.clickHandler) { on.secondaryAction = (e) => { secondaryButton.clickHandler(e); }; } return h( GlAlert, { props: { title, dismissible: true, dismissLabel: __('Dismiss'), variant, primaryButtonLink: primaryButton?.link, primaryButtonText: primaryButton?.text, secondaryButtonLink: secondaryButton?.link, secondaryButtonText: secondaryButton?.text, }, attrs: { 'data-testid': `alert-${variant}`, }, on, }, message, ); }, }); };