import { NpmManager } from '~/packages/details/constants'; import { conanInstallationCommand, conanSetupCommand, packagePipeline, packageTypeDisplay, packageIcon, mavenInstallationXml, mavenInstallationCommand, mavenSetupXml, npmInstallationCommand, npmSetupCommand, nugetInstallationCommand, nugetSetupCommand, pypiPipCommand, pypiSetupCommand, composerRegistryInclude, composerPackageInclude, groupExists, gradleGroovyInstalCommand, gradleGroovyAddSourceCommand, } from '~/packages/details/store/getters'; import { conanPackage, npmPackage, nugetPackage, mockPipelineInfo, mavenPackage as packageWithoutBuildInfo, pypiPackage, } from '../../mock_data'; import { generateMavenCommand, generateXmlCodeBlock, generateMavenSetupXml, registryUrl, pypiSetupCommandStr, } from '../mock_data'; describe('Getters PackageDetails Store', () => { let state; const defaultState = { packageEntity: packageWithoutBuildInfo, conanPath: registryUrl, mavenPath: registryUrl, npmPath: registryUrl, nugetPath: registryUrl, pypiPath: registryUrl, }; const setupState = (testState = {}) => { state = { ...defaultState, ...testState, }; }; const conanInstallationCommandStr = `conan install ${} --remote=gitlab`; const conanSetupCommandStr = `conan remote add gitlab ${registryUrl}`; const mavenCommandStr = generateMavenCommand(packageWithoutBuildInfo.maven_metadatum); const mavenInstallationXmlBlock = generateXmlCodeBlock(packageWithoutBuildInfo.maven_metadatum); const mavenSetupXmlBlock = generateMavenSetupXml(); const npmInstallStr = `npm i ${}`; const npmSetupStr = `echo @Test:registry=${registryUrl}/ >> .npmrc`; const yarnInstallStr = `yarn add ${}`; const yarnSetupStr = `echo \\"@Test:registry\\" \\"${registryUrl}/\\" >> .yarnrc`; const nugetInstallationCommandStr = `nuget install ${} -Source "GitLab"`; const nugetSetupCommandStr = `nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "${registryUrl}" -UserName -Password `; const pypiPipCommandStr = `pip install ${} --extra-index-url ${registryUrl}`; const composerRegistryIncludeStr = 'composer config \'{"type": "composer", "url": "foo"}\''; const composerPackageIncludeStr = `composer req ${[]}:${ packageWithoutBuildInfo.version }`; describe('packagePipeline', () => { it('should return the pipeline info when pipeline exists', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: { ...npmPackage, pipeline: mockPipelineInfo, }, }); expect(packagePipeline(state)).toEqual(mockPipelineInfo); }); it('should return null when build_info does not exist', () => { setupState(); expect(packagePipeline(state)).toBe(null); }); }); describe('packageTypeDisplay', () => { describe.each` packageEntity | expectedResult ${conanPackage} | ${'Conan'} ${packageWithoutBuildInfo} | ${'Maven'} ${npmPackage} | ${'npm'} ${nugetPackage} | ${'NuGet'} ${pypiPackage} | ${'PyPI'} `(`package type`, ({ packageEntity, expectedResult }) => { beforeEach(() => setupState({ packageEntity })); it(`${packageEntity.package_type} should show as ${expectedResult}`, () => { expect(packageTypeDisplay(state)).toBe(expectedResult); }); }); }); describe('packageIcon', () => { describe('nuget packages', () => { it('should return nuget package icon', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: nugetPackage }); expect(packageIcon(state)).toBe(nugetPackage.nuget_metadatum.icon_url); }); it('should return null when nuget package does not have an icon', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: { ...nugetPackage, nuget_metadatum: {} } }); expect(packageIcon(state)).toBe(null); }); }); it('should not find icons for other package types', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: npmPackage }); expect(packageIcon(state)).toBe(null); }); }); describe('conan string getters', () => { it('gets the correct conanInstallationCommand', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: conanPackage }); expect(conanInstallationCommand(state)).toBe(conanInstallationCommandStr); }); it('gets the correct conanSetupCommand', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: conanPackage }); expect(conanSetupCommand(state)).toBe(conanSetupCommandStr); }); }); describe('maven string getters', () => { it('gets the correct mavenInstallationXml', () => { setupState(); expect(mavenInstallationXml(state)).toBe(mavenInstallationXmlBlock); }); it('gets the correct mavenInstallationCommand', () => { setupState(); expect(mavenInstallationCommand(state)).toBe(mavenCommandStr); }); it('gets the correct mavenSetupXml', () => { setupState(); expect(mavenSetupXml(state)).toBe(mavenSetupXmlBlock); }); }); describe('npm string getters', () => { it('gets the correct npmInstallationCommand for npm', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: npmPackage }); expect(npmInstallationCommand(state)(NpmManager.NPM)).toBe(npmInstallStr); }); it('gets the correct npmSetupCommand for npm', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: npmPackage }); expect(npmSetupCommand(state)(NpmManager.NPM)).toBe(npmSetupStr); }); it('gets the correct npmInstallationCommand for Yarn', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: npmPackage }); expect(npmInstallationCommand(state)(NpmManager.YARN)).toBe(yarnInstallStr); }); it('gets the correct npmSetupCommand for Yarn', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: npmPackage }); expect(npmSetupCommand(state)(NpmManager.YARN)).toBe(yarnSetupStr); }); }); describe('nuget string getters', () => { it('gets the correct nugetInstallationCommand', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: nugetPackage }); expect(nugetInstallationCommand(state)).toBe(nugetInstallationCommandStr); }); it('gets the correct nugetSetupCommand', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: nugetPackage }); expect(nugetSetupCommand(state)).toBe(nugetSetupCommandStr); }); }); describe('pypi string getters', () => { it('gets the correct pypiPipCommand', () => { setupState({ packageEntity: pypiPackage }); expect(pypiPipCommand(state)).toBe(pypiPipCommandStr); }); it('gets the correct pypiSetupCommand', () => { setupState({ pypiSetupPath: 'foo' }); expect(pypiSetupCommand(state)).toBe(pypiSetupCommandStr); }); }); describe('composer string getters', () => { it('gets the correct composerRegistryInclude command', () => { setupState({ composerPath: 'foo', composerConfigRepositoryName: '' }); expect(composerRegistryInclude(state)).toBe(composerRegistryIncludeStr); }); it('gets the correct composerPackageInclude command', () => { setupState(); expect(composerPackageInclude(state)).toBe(composerPackageIncludeStr); }); }); describe('gradle groovy string getters', () => { it('gets the correct gradleGroovyInstalCommand', () => { setupState(); expect(gradleGroovyInstalCommand(state)).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"implementation ''"`, ); }); it('gets the correct gradleGroovyAddSourceCommand', () => { setupState(); expect(gradleGroovyAddSourceCommand(state)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` "maven { url 'foo/registry' }" `); }); }); describe('check if group', () => { it('is set', () => { setupState({ groupListUrl: '/groups/composer/-/packages' }); expect(groupExists(state)).toBe(true); }); it('is not set', () => { setupState({ groupListUrl: '' }); expect(groupExists(state)).toBe(false); }); }); });