# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module SidekiqMiddleware module WorkerContext class Client include Gitlab::SidekiqMiddleware::WorkerContext def call(worker_class_or_name, job, _queue, _redis_pool, &block) worker_class = worker_class_or_name.to_s.safe_constantize # Mailers can't be constantized like this return yield unless worker_class return yield unless worker_class.include?(::ApplicationWorker) context_for_args = worker_class.context_for_arguments(job['args']) wrap_in_optional_context(context_for_args) do # This should be inside the context for the arguments so # that we don't override the feature category on the worker # with the one from the caller. Gitlab::ApplicationContext.with_context(feature_category: worker_class.get_feature_category.to_s, &block) end end end end end end