# frozen_string_literal: true class DependencyProxy::FileUploader < GitlabUploader include ObjectStorage::Concern before :cache, :set_content_type storage_options Gitlab.config.dependency_proxy alias_method :upload, :model def filename model.file_name end def store_dir dynamic_segment end private # Docker manifests return a custom content type # GCP will only use the content-type that is stored with the file # and will not allow it to be overwritten when downloaded # so we must store the custom content type in object storage. # This does not apply to DependencyProxy::Blob uploads. def set_content_type(file) return unless model.instance_of?(DependencyProxy::Manifest) file.content_type = model.content_type end def dynamic_segment Gitlab::HashedPath.new('dependency_proxy', model.group_id, 'files', model.id, root_hash: model.group_id) end end