# frozen_string_literal: true class Admin::UsersController < Admin::ApplicationController include RoutableActions before_action :user, except: [:index, :new, :create] before_action :check_impersonation_availability, only: :impersonate before_action :ensure_destroy_prerequisites_met, only: [:destroy] before_action :check_ban_user_feature_flag, only: [:ban] feature_category :users PAGINATION_WITH_COUNT_LIMIT = 1000 def index return redirect_to admin_cohorts_path if params[:tab] == 'cohorts' @users = User.filter_items(params[:filter]).order_name_asc @users = @users.search_with_secondary_emails(params[:search_query]) if params[:search_query].present? @users = users_with_included_associations(@users) @users = @users.sort_by_attribute(@sort = params[:sort]) @users = @users.page(params[:page]) @users = @users.without_count if paginate_without_count? end def show end def projects @personal_projects = user.personal_projects @joined_projects = user.projects.joined(@user) end def keys @keys = user.keys.order_id_desc end def new @user = User.new end def edit user end def impersonate if can?(user, :log_in) && !impersonation_in_progress? session[:impersonator_id] = current_user.id warden.set_user(user, scope: :user) clear_access_token_session_keys! log_impersonation_event flash[:alert] = _("You are now impersonating %{username}") % { username: user.username } redirect_to root_path else flash[:alert] = if impersonation_in_progress? _("You are already impersonating another user") elsif user.blocked? _("You cannot impersonate a blocked user") elsif user.internal? _("You cannot impersonate an internal user") else _("You cannot impersonate a user who cannot log in") end redirect_to admin_user_path(user) end end def approve result = Users::ApproveService.new(current_user).execute(user) if result[:status] == :success redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Successfully approved")) else redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: result[:message]) end end def reject result = Users::RejectService.new(current_user).execute(user) if result[:status] == :success redirect_to admin_users_path, status: :found, notice: _("You've rejected %{user}" % { user: user.name }) else redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: result[:message]) end end def activate return redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Error occurred. A blocked user must be unblocked to be activated")) if user.blocked? user.activate redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Successfully activated")) end def deactivate return redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Error occurred. A blocked user cannot be deactivated")) if user.blocked? return redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Successfully deactivated")) if user.deactivated? return redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Internal users cannot be deactivated")) if user.internal? return redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("The user you are trying to deactivate has been active in the past %{minimum_inactive_days} days and cannot be deactivated") % { minimum_inactive_days: ::User::MINIMUM_INACTIVE_DAYS }) unless user.can_be_deactivated? user.deactivate redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Successfully deactivated")) end def block result = Users::BlockService.new(current_user).execute(user) if result[:status] == :success redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Successfully blocked")) else redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: _("Error occurred. User was not blocked")) end end def unblock if user.ldap_blocked? redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: _("This user cannot be unlocked manually from GitLab")) elsif update_user { |user| user.activate } redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Successfully unblocked")) else redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: _("Error occurred. User was not unblocked")) end end def ban result = Users::BanService.new(current_user).execute(user) if result[:status] == :success redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Successfully banned")) else redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: _("Error occurred. User was not banned")) end end def unban if update_user { |user| user.activate } redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Successfully unbanned")) else redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: _("Error occurred. User was not unbanned")) end end def unlock if update_user { |user| user.unlock_access! } redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: _("Successfully unlocked")) else redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: _("Error occurred. User was not unlocked")) end end def confirm if update_user { |user| user.confirm } redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _("Successfully confirmed")) else redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: _("Error occurred. User was not confirmed")) end end def disable_two_factor result = TwoFactor::DestroyService.new(current_user, user: user).execute if result[:status] == :success redirect_to admin_user_path(user), notice: _('Two-factor authentication has been disabled for this user') else redirect_to admin_user_path(user), alert: result[:message] end end def create opts = { reset_password: true, skip_confirmation: true } @user = Users::CreateService.new(current_user, user_params.merge(opts)).execute respond_to do |format| if @user.persisted? format.html { redirect_to [:admin, @user], notice: _('User was successfully created.') } format.json { render json: @user, status: :created, location: @user } else format.html { render "new" } format.json { render json: @user.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end def update user_params_with_pass = user_params.dup if params[:user][:password].present? password_params = { password: params[:user][:password], password_confirmation: params[:user][:password_confirmation] } password_params[:password_expires_at] = Time.current if admin_making_changes_for_another_user? user_params_with_pass.merge!(password_params) end cc_validation_params = process_credit_card_validation_params(user_params_with_pass.delete(:credit_card_validation_attributes)) user_params_with_pass.merge!(cc_validation_params) respond_to do |format| result = Users::UpdateService.new(current_user, user_params_with_pass.merge(user: user)).execute do |user| user.skip_reconfirmation! user.send_only_admin_changed_your_password_notification! if admin_making_changes_for_another_user? end if result[:status] == :success format.html { redirect_to [:admin, user], notice: _('User was successfully updated.') } format.json { head :ok } else # restore username to keep form action url. user.username = params[:id] format.html { render "edit" } format.json { render json: [result[:message]], status: :internal_server_error } end end end def destroy user.delete_async(deleted_by: current_user, params: destroy_params) respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to admin_users_path, status: :found, notice: _("The user is being deleted.") } format.json { head :ok } end end def remove_email email = user.emails.find(params[:email_id]) success = Emails::DestroyService.new(current_user, user: user).execute(email) respond_to do |format| if success format.html { redirect_back_or_admin_user(notice: _('Successfully removed email.')) } format.json { head :ok } else format.html { redirect_back_or_admin_user(alert: _('There was an error removing the e-mail.')) } format.json { render json: _('There was an error removing the e-mail.'), status: :bad_request } end end end protected def process_credit_card_validation_params(cc_validation_params) return unless cc_validation_params && cc_validation_params[:credit_card_validated_at] cc_validation = cc_validation_params[:credit_card_validated_at] if cc_validation == "1" && !user.credit_card_validated_at { credit_card_validation_attributes: { credit_card_validated_at: Time.zone.now } } elsif cc_validation == "0" && user.credit_card_validated_at { credit_card_validation_attributes: { _destroy: true } } end end def paginate_without_count? counts = Gitlab::Database::Count.approximate_counts([User]) counts[User] > PAGINATION_WITH_COUNT_LIMIT end def users_with_included_associations(users) users.includes(:authorized_projects) # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end def admin_making_changes_for_another_user? user != current_user end def destroy_params params.permit(:hard_delete) end def ensure_destroy_prerequisites_met return if hard_delete? if user.solo_owned_groups.present? message = s_('AdminUsers|You must transfer ownership or delete the groups owned by this user before you can delete their account') redirect_to admin_user_path(user), status: :see_other, alert: message end end def hard_delete? destroy_params[:hard_delete] end def user @user ||= find_routable!(User, params[:id], request.path_info) end def build_canonical_path(user) url_for(safe_params.merge(id: user.to_param)) end def redirect_back_or_admin_user(options = {}) redirect_back_or_default(default: default_route, options: options) end def default_route [:admin, @user] end def user_params params.require(:user).permit(allowed_user_params) end def allowed_user_params [ :access_level, :avatar, :bio, :can_create_group, :color_scheme_id, :email, :extern_uid, :external, :force_random_password, :hide_no_password, :hide_no_ssh_key, :key_id, :linkedin, :name, :password_expires_at, :projects_limit, :provider, :remember_me, :skype, :theme_id, :twitter, :username, :website_url, :note, credit_card_validation_attributes: [:credit_card_validated_at] ] end def update_user(&block) result = Users::UpdateService.new(current_user, user: user).execute(&block) result[:status] == :success end def check_impersonation_availability access_denied! unless Gitlab.config.gitlab.impersonation_enabled end def check_ban_user_feature_flag access_denied! unless Feature.enabled?(:ban_user_feature_flag) end def log_impersonation_event Gitlab::AppLogger.info(_("User %{current_user_username} has started impersonating %{username}") % { current_user_username: current_user.username, username: user.username }) end end Admin::UsersController.prepend_mod_with('Admin::UsersController')