import { getProjectValueStreamStages, getProjectValueStreams, getProjectValueStreamStageData, getProjectValueStreamMetrics, getValueStreamStageMedian, } from '~/api/analytics_api'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import { DEFAULT_DAYS_TO_DISPLAY, DEFAULT_VALUE_STREAM } from '../constants'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; export const setSelectedValueStream = ({ commit, dispatch }, valueStream) => { commit(types.SET_SELECTED_VALUE_STREAM, valueStream); return dispatch('fetchValueStreamStages'); }; export const fetchValueStreamStages = ({ commit, state }) => { const { fullPath, selectedValueStream } = state; commit(types.REQUEST_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES); return getProjectValueStreamStages(fullPath, .then(({ data }) => commit(types.RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES_SUCCESS, data)) .catch(({ response: { status } }) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAM_STAGES_ERROR, status); }); }; export const receiveValueStreamsSuccess = ({ commit, dispatch }, data = []) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAMS_SUCCESS, data); if (data.length) { const [firstStream] = data; return dispatch('setSelectedValueStream', firstStream); } return dispatch('setSelectedValueStream', DEFAULT_VALUE_STREAM); }; export const fetchValueStreams = ({ commit, dispatch, state }) => { const { fullPath, features: { cycleAnalyticsForGroups }, } = state; commit(types.REQUEST_VALUE_STREAMS); const stageRequests = ['setSelectedStage']; if (cycleAnalyticsForGroups) { stageRequests.push('fetchStageMedians'); } return getProjectValueStreams(fullPath) .then(({ data }) => dispatch('receiveValueStreamsSuccess', data)) .then(() => Promise.all( => dispatch(r)))) .catch(({ response: { status } }) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_VALUE_STREAMS_ERROR, status); }); }; export const fetchCycleAnalyticsData = ({ state: { requestPath }, getters: { legacyFilterParams }, commit, }) => { commit(types.REQUEST_CYCLE_ANALYTICS_DATA); return getProjectValueStreamMetrics(requestPath, legacyFilterParams) .then(({ data }) => commit(types.RECEIVE_CYCLE_ANALYTICS_DATA_SUCCESS, data)) .catch(() => { commit(types.RECEIVE_CYCLE_ANALYTICS_DATA_ERROR); createFlash({ message: __('There was an error while fetching value stream summary data.'), }); }); }; export const fetchStageData = ({ state: { requestPath, selectedStage }, getters: { legacyFilterParams }, commit, }) => { commit(types.REQUEST_STAGE_DATA); return getProjectValueStreamStageData({ requestPath, stageId:, params: legacyFilterParams, }) .then(({ data }) => { // when there's a query timeout, the request succeeds but the error is encoded in the response data if (data?.error) { commit(types.RECEIVE_STAGE_DATA_ERROR, data.error); } else { commit(types.RECEIVE_STAGE_DATA_SUCCESS, data); } }) .catch(() => commit(types.RECEIVE_STAGE_DATA_ERROR)); }; const getStageMedians = ({ stageId, vsaParams, filterParams = {} }) => { return getValueStreamStageMedian({ ...vsaParams, stageId }, filterParams).then(({ data }) => ({ id: stageId, value: data?.value || null, })); }; export const fetchStageMedians = ({ state: { stages }, getters: { requestParams: vsaParams, filterParams }, commit, }) => { commit(types.REQUEST_STAGE_MEDIANS); return Promise.all({ id: stageId }) => getStageMedians({ vsaParams, stageId, filterParams, }), ), ) .then((data) => commit(types.RECEIVE_STAGE_MEDIANS_SUCCESS, data)) .catch((error) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_STAGE_MEDIANS_ERROR, error); createFlash({ message: __('There was an error fetching median data for stages'), }); }); }; export const setSelectedStage = ({ dispatch, commit, state: { stages } }, selectedStage = null) => { const stage = selectedStage || stages[0]; commit(types.SET_SELECTED_STAGE, stage); return dispatch('fetchStageData'); }; const refetchData = (dispatch, commit) => { commit(types.SET_LOADING, true); return Promise.resolve() .then(() => dispatch('fetchValueStreams')) .then(() => dispatch('fetchCycleAnalyticsData')) .finally(() => commit(types.SET_LOADING, false)); }; export const setFilters = ({ dispatch, commit }) => refetchData(dispatch, commit); export const setDateRange = ({ dispatch, commit }, { startDate = DEFAULT_DAYS_TO_DISPLAY }) => { commit(types.SET_DATE_RANGE, { startDate }); return refetchData(dispatch, commit); }; export const initializeVsa = ({ commit, dispatch }, initialData = {}) => { commit(types.INITIALIZE_VSA, initialData); return refetchData(dispatch, commit); };