module Searchable extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Elasticsearch::Model include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks # Set up the mapping # settings index: { number_of_shards: 1, number_of_replicas: 0 } do mapping do indexes :title, analyzer: 'snowball' indexes :created_at, type: 'date' indexes :authors do indexes :first_name indexes :last_name indexes :full_name, type: 'text' do indexes :raw, type: 'keyword' end end indexes :categories, type: 'keyword' indexes :comments, type: 'nested' do indexes :text indexes :author end end end # Customize the JSON serialization for Elasticsearch # def as_indexed_json(options={}) { title: title, text: text, categories:, authors: authors.as_json(methods: [:full_name], only: [:full_name, :first_name, :last_name]), comments: comments.as_json(only: [:text, :author]) } end # Update document in the index after touch # after_touch() { __elasticsearch__.index_document } end end