module Gitlab module ImportExport module AfterExportStrategies class WebUploadStrategy < BaseAfterExportStrategy PUT_METHOD = 'PUT'.freeze POST_METHOD = 'POST'.freeze INVALID_HTTP_METHOD = 'invalid. Only PUT and POST methods allowed.'.freeze validates :url, url: true validate do unless [PUT_METHOD, POST_METHOD].include?(http_method.upcase) errors.add(:http_method, INVALID_HTTP_METHOD) end end def initialize(url:, http_method: PUT_METHOD) super end protected def strategy_execute handle_response_error(send_file) project.remove_exported_project_file end def handle_response_error(response) unless response.success? error_code = response.dig('Error', 'Code') || response.code error_message = response.dig('Error', 'Message') || response.message raise"Error uploading the project. Code #{error_code}: #{error_message}") end end private def send_file Gitlab::HTTP.public_send(http_method.downcase, url, send_file_options) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend ensure export_file.close if export_file && !object_storage? end def export_file if object_storage? else end end def send_file_options { body_stream: export_file, headers: headers } end def headers { 'Content-Length' => export_size.to_s } end def export_size if object_storage? project.import_export_upload.export_file.file.size else File.size(project.export_project_path) end end end end end end