class Spinach::Features::ProjectBuildsArtifacts < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedProject include SharedBuilds include RepoHelpers step 'I click artifacts download button' do click_link 'Download' end step 'I click artifacts browse button' do click_link 'Browse' end step 'I should see content of artifacts archive' do page.within('.tree-table') do expect(page).to have_no_content '..' expect(page).to have_content 'other_artifacts_0.1.2' expect(page).to have_content 'ci_artifacts.txt' expect(page).to have_content 'rails_sample.jpg' end end step 'I click link to subdirectory within build artifacts' do page.within('.tree-table') { click_link 'other_artifacts_0.1.2' } end step 'I should see content of subdirectory within artifacts archive' do page.within('.tree-table') do expect(page).to have_content '..' expect(page).to have_content 'another-subdirectory' expect(page).to have_content 'doc_sample.txt' end end step 'recent build artifacts contain directory with UTF-8 characters' do # metadata fixture contains relevant directory end step 'I navigate to directory with UTF-8 characters in name' do page.within('.tree-table') { click_link 'tests_encoding' } page.within('.tree-table') { click_link 'utf8 test dir ✓' } end step 'I should see content of directory with UTF-8 characters in name' do page.within('.tree-table') do expect(page).to have_content '..' expect(page).to have_content 'regular_file_2' end end step 'recent build artifacts contain directory with invalid UTF-8 characters' do # metadata fixture contains relevant directory end step 'I navigate to parent directory of directory with invalid name' do page.within('.tree-table') { click_link 'tests_encoding' } end step 'I should not see directory with invalid name on the list' do page.within('.tree-table') do expect(page).to have_no_content('non-utf8-dir') end end step 'I click a link to file within build artifacts' do page.within('.tree-table') { find_link('ci_artifacts.txt').click } end step 'download of a file extracted from build artifacts should start' do # this will be accelerated by Workhorse response_json = JSON.parse(page.body, symbolize_names: true) expect(response_json[:archive]).to end_with('') expect(response_json[:entry]).to eq Base64.encode64('ci_artifacts.txt') end step 'I click a first row within build artifacts table' do row = first('tr[data-link]') @row_path = row['data-link'] end step 'page with a coresponding path is loading' do expect(current_path).to eq @row_path end end