import state from '~/jobs/store/state'; import mutations from '~/jobs/store/mutations'; import * as types from '~/jobs/store/mutation_types'; describe('Jobs Store Mutations', () => { let stateCopy; const html = 'I, [2018-08-17T22:57:45.707325 #1841] INFO -- : Writing /builds/ab89e95b0fa0b9272ea0c797b76908f24d36992630e9325273a4ce3.png
I'; beforeEach(() => { stateCopy = state(); }); describe('SET_JOB_ENDPOINT', () => { it('should set jobEndpoint', () => { mutations[types.SET_JOB_ENDPOINT](stateCopy, 'job/21312321.json'); expect(stateCopy.jobEndpoint).toEqual('job/21312321.json'); }); }); describe('HIDE_SIDEBAR', () => { it('should set isSidebarOpen to false', () => { mutations[types.HIDE_SIDEBAR](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isSidebarOpen).toEqual(false); }); }); describe('SHOW_SIDEBAR', () => { it('should set isSidebarOpen to true', () => { mutations[types.SHOW_SIDEBAR](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isSidebarOpen).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_TRACE_SUCCESS', () => { describe('when trace has state', () => { it('sets traceState', () => { const stateLog = 'eyJvZmZzZXQiOjczNDQ1MSwibl9vcGVuX3RhZ3MiOjAsImZnX2NvbG9yIjpudWxsLCJiZ19jb2xvciI6bnVsbCwic3R5bGVfbWFzayI6MH0='; mutations[types.RECEIVE_TRACE_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { state: stateLog, }); expect(stateCopy.traceState).toEqual(stateLog); }); }); describe('when traceSize is smaller than the total size', () => { it('sets isTraceSizeVisible to true', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_TRACE_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { total: 51184600, size: 1231 }); expect(stateCopy.isTraceSizeVisible).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('when traceSize is bigger than the total size', () => { it('sets isTraceSizeVisible to false', () => { const copy = Object.assign({}, stateCopy, { traceSize: 5118460, size: 2321312 }); mutations[types.RECEIVE_TRACE_SUCCESS](copy, { total: 511846 }); expect(copy.isTraceSizeVisible).toEqual(false); }); }); it('sets trace, trace size and isTraceComplete', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_TRACE_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { append: true, html, size: 511846, complete: true, }); expect(stateCopy.trace).toEqual(html); expect(stateCopy.traceSize).toEqual(511846); expect(stateCopy.isTraceComplete).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('STOP_POLLING_TRACE', () => { it('sets isTraceComplete to true', () => { mutations[types.STOP_POLLING_TRACE](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isTraceComplete).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_TRACE_ERROR', () => { it('resets trace state and sets error to true', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_TRACE_ERROR](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isTraceComplete).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('REQUEST_JOB', () => { it('sets isLoading to true', () => { mutations[types.REQUEST_JOB](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(true); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_JOB_SUCCESS', () => { it('sets is loading to false', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_JOB_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { id: 1312321 }); expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(false); }); it('sets hasError to false', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_JOB_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { id: 1312321 }); expect(stateCopy.hasError).toEqual(false); }); it('sets job data', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_JOB_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { id: 1312321 }); expect(stateCopy.job).toEqual({ id: 1312321 }); }); it('sets selectedStage when the selectedStage is empty', () => { expect(stateCopy.selectedStage).toEqual(''); mutations[types.RECEIVE_JOB_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { id: 1312321, stage: 'deploy' }); expect(stateCopy.selectedStage).toEqual('deploy'); }); it('does not set selectedStage when the selectedStage is not More', () => { stateCopy.selectedStage = 'notify'; expect(stateCopy.selectedStage).toEqual('notify'); mutations[types.RECEIVE_JOB_SUCCESS](stateCopy, { id: 1312321, stage: 'deploy' }); expect(stateCopy.selectedStage).toEqual('notify'); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_JOB_ERROR', () => { it('resets job data', () => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_JOB_ERROR](stateCopy); expect(stateCopy.isLoading).toEqual(false); expect(stateCopy.job).toEqual({}); }); }); describe('REQUEST_JOBS_FOR_STAGE', () => { it('sets isLoadingJobs to true', () => { mutations[types.REQUEST_JOBS_FOR_STAGE](stateCopy, { name: 'deploy' }); expect(stateCopy.isLoadingJobs).toEqual(true); }); it('sets selectedStage', () => { mutations[types.REQUEST_JOBS_FOR_STAGE](stateCopy, { name: 'deploy' }); expect(stateCopy.selectedStage).toEqual('deploy'); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_JOBS_FOR_STAGE_SUCCESS', () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_JOBS_FOR_STAGE_SUCCESS](stateCopy, [{ name: 'karma' }]); }); it('sets isLoadingJobs to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isLoadingJobs).toEqual(false); }); it('sets jobs', () => { expect([{ name: 'karma' }]); }); }); describe('RECEIVE_JOBS_FOR_STAGE_ERROR', () => { beforeEach(() => { mutations[types.RECEIVE_JOBS_FOR_STAGE_ERROR](stateCopy); }); it('sets isLoadingJobs to false', () => { expect(stateCopy.isLoadingJobs).toEqual(false); }); it('resets jobs', () => { expect([]); }); }); });