# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Sentry::Client::Projects do include SentryClientHelpers let(:sentry_url) { 'https://sentrytest.gitlab.com/api/0/projects/sentry-org/sentry-project' } let(:token) { 'test-token' } let(:client) { Sentry::Client.new(sentry_url, token) } let(:projects_sample_response) do Gitlab::Utils.deep_indifferent_access( JSON.parse(fixture_file('sentry/list_projects_sample_response.json')) ) end shared_examples 'has correct return type' do |klass| it "returns objects of type #{klass}" do expect(subject).to all( be_a(klass) ) end end shared_examples 'has correct length' do |length| it { expect(subject.length).to eq(length) } end describe '#projects' do let(:sentry_list_projects_url) { 'https://sentrytest.gitlab.com/api/0/projects/' } let(:sentry_api_response) { projects_sample_response } let!(:sentry_api_request) { stub_sentry_request(sentry_list_projects_url, body: sentry_api_response) } subject { client.projects } it_behaves_like 'calls sentry api' it_behaves_like 'has correct return type', Gitlab::ErrorTracking::Project it_behaves_like 'has correct length', 2 context 'essential keys missing in API response' do let(:sentry_api_response) do projects_sample_response[0...1].map do |project| project.except(:slug) end end it 'raises exception' do expect { subject }.to raise_error(Sentry::Client::MissingKeysError, 'Sentry API response is missing keys. key not found: "slug"') end end context 'optional keys missing in sentry response' do let(:sentry_api_response) do projects_sample_response[0...1].map do |project| project[:organization].delete(:id) project.delete(:id) project.except(:status) end end it_behaves_like 'calls sentry api' it_behaves_like 'has correct return type', Gitlab::ErrorTracking::Project it_behaves_like 'has correct length', 1 end context 'error object created from sentry response' do using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax where(:sentry_project_object, :sentry_response) do :id | :id :name | :name :status | :status :slug | :slug :organization_name | [:organization, :name] :organization_id | [:organization, :id] :organization_slug | [:organization, :slug] end with_them do it do expect(subject[0].public_send(sentry_project_object)).to( eq(sentry_api_response[0].dig(*sentry_response)) ) end end end context 'redirects' do let(:sentry_api_url) { sentry_list_projects_url } it_behaves_like 'no Sentry redirects' end # Sentry API returns 404 if there are extra slashes in the URL! context 'extra slashes in URL' do let(:sentry_url) { 'https://sentrytest.gitlab.com/api//0/projects//' } let!(:valid_req_stub) do stub_sentry_request(sentry_list_projects_url) end it 'removes extra slashes in api url' do expect(Gitlab::HTTP).to receive(:get).with( URI(sentry_list_projects_url), anything ).and_call_original subject expect(valid_req_stub).to have_been_requested end end context 'when exception is raised' do let(:sentry_request_url) { sentry_list_projects_url } it_behaves_like 'maps Sentry exceptions' end end end