.sub-section %h4.warning-title= s_('GroupSettings|Change group path') = form_for @group, html: { multipart: true, class: 'gl-show-field-errors' }, authenticity_token: true do |f| = form_errors(@group) .form-group %p = s_('GroupSettings|Changing group path can have unintended side effects.') = succeed '.' do = link_to _('Learn more'), help_page_path('user/group/index', anchor: 'changing-a-groups-path'), target: '_blank' .input-group.gl-field-error-anchor .group-root-path.input-group-prepend.has-tooltip{ title: group_path(@group), :'data-placement' => 'bottom' } .input-group-text %span>= root_url - if @group.parent %strong= @group.parent.full_path + '/' = f.hidden_field :parent_id = f.text_field :path, placeholder: 'open-source', class: 'form-control', autofocus: local_assigns[:autofocus] || false, required: true, pattern: Gitlab::PathRegex::NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX_JS, title: s_('GroupSettings|Please choose a group path with no special characters.'), "data-bind-in" => "#{'create_chat_team' if Gitlab.config.mattermost.enabled}" = f.submit s_('GroupSettings|Change group path'), class: 'btn btn-warning' .sub-section %h4.warning-title= s_('GroupSettings|Transfer group') = form_for @group, url: transfer_group_path(@group), method: :put, html: { class: 'js-group-transfer-form' } do |f| .form-group = dropdown_tag('Select parent group', options: { toggle_class: 'js-groups-dropdown', title: 'Parent Group', filter: true, dropdown_class: 'dropdown-open-top dropdown-group-transfer', placeholder: 'Search groups', data: { data: parent_group_options(@group) } }) = hidden_field_tag 'new_parent_group_id' %ul - side_effects_link_start = '' - warning_text = s_("GroupSettings|Be careful. Changing a group's parent can have unintended %{side_effects_link_start}side effects%{side_effects_link_end}.") % { side_effects_link_start: side_effects_link_start, side_effects_link_end:'' } %li= warning_text.html_safe %li= s_('GroupSettings|You can only transfer the group to a group you manage.') %li= s_('GroupSettings|You will need to update your local repositories to point to the new location.') %li= s_("GroupSettings|If the parent group's visibility is lower than the group current visibility, visibility levels for subgroups and projects will be changed to match the new parent group's visibility.") = f.submit s_('GroupSettings|Transfer group'), class: 'btn btn-warning' .sub-section %h4.danger-title= _('Remove group') = form_tag(@group, method: :delete) do %p = _('Removing group will cause all child projects and resources to be removed.') %br %strong= _('Removed group can not be restored!') = button_to _('Remove group'), '#', class: 'btn btn-remove js-confirm-danger', data: { 'confirm-danger-message' => remove_group_message(@group) }