import Vue from 'vue'; import $ from 'jquery'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import Visibility from 'visibilityjs'; import TaskList from '../../task_list'; import Flash from '../../flash'; import Poll from '../../lib/utils/poll'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; import * as utils from './utils'; import * as constants from '../constants'; import service from '../services/notes_service'; import loadAwardsHandler from '../../awards_handler'; import sidebarTimeTrackingEventHub from '../../sidebar/event_hub'; import { isInViewport, scrollToElement, isInMRPage } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils'; import mrWidgetEventHub from '../../vue_merge_request_widget/event_hub'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; let eTagPoll; export const expandDiscussion = ({ commit, dispatch }, data) => { if (data.discussionId) { dispatch('diffs/renderFileForDiscussionId', data.discussionId, { root: true }); } commit(types.EXPAND_DISCUSSION, data); }; export const collapseDiscussion = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.COLLAPSE_DISCUSSION, data); export const setNotesData = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_NOTES_DATA, data); export const setNoteableData = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_NOTEABLE_DATA, data); export const setUserData = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_USER_DATA, data); export const setLastFetchedAt = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT, data); export const setInitialNotes = ({ commit }, discussions) => commit(types.SET_INITIAL_DISCUSSIONS, discussions); export const setTargetNoteHash = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.SET_TARGET_NOTE_HASH, data); export const setNotesFetchedState = ({ commit }, state) => commit(types.SET_NOTES_FETCHED_STATE, state); export const toggleDiscussion = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.TOGGLE_DISCUSSION, data); export const fetchDiscussions = ({ commit, dispatch }, { path, filter }) => service .fetchDiscussions(path, filter) .then(res => res.json()) .then(discussions => { commit(types.SET_INITIAL_DISCUSSIONS, discussions); dispatch('updateResolvableDiscussonsCounts'); }); export const updateDiscussion = ({ commit, state }, discussion) => { commit(types.UPDATE_DISCUSSION, discussion); return utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions,; }; export const deleteNote = ({ commit, dispatch, state }, note) => service.deleteNote(note.path).then(() => { const discussion = state.discussions.find(({ id }) => id === note.discussion_id); commit(types.DELETE_NOTE, note); dispatch('updateMergeRequestWidget'); dispatch('updateResolvableDiscussonsCounts'); if (isInMRPage()) { dispatch('diffs/removeDiscussionsFromDiff', discussion); } }); export const updateNote = ({ commit, dispatch }, { endpoint, note }) => service .updateNote(endpoint, note) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => { commit(types.UPDATE_NOTE, res); dispatch('startTaskList'); }); export const replyToDiscussion = ({ commit }, { endpoint, data }) => service .replyToDiscussion(endpoint, data) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => { commit(types.ADD_NEW_REPLY_TO_DISCUSSION, res); return res; }); export const createNewNote = ({ commit, dispatch }, { endpoint, data }) => service .createNewNote(endpoint, data) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => { if (!res.errors) { commit(types.ADD_NEW_NOTE, res); dispatch('updateMergeRequestWidget'); dispatch('startTaskList'); dispatch('updateResolvableDiscussonsCounts'); } return res; }); export const removePlaceholderNotes = ({ commit }) => commit(types.REMOVE_PLACEHOLDER_NOTES); export const toggleResolveNote = ({ commit, dispatch }, { endpoint, isResolved, discussion }) => service .toggleResolveNote(endpoint, isResolved) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => { const mutationType = discussion ? types.UPDATE_DISCUSSION : types.UPDATE_NOTE; commit(mutationType, res); dispatch('updateResolvableDiscussonsCounts'); dispatch('updateMergeRequestWidget'); }); export const closeIssue = ({ commit, dispatch, state }) => { dispatch('toggleStateButtonLoading', true); return service .toggleIssueState(state.notesData.closePath) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { commit(types.CLOSE_ISSUE); dispatch('emitStateChangedEvent', data); dispatch('toggleStateButtonLoading', false); }); }; export const reopenIssue = ({ commit, dispatch, state }) => { dispatch('toggleStateButtonLoading', true); return service .toggleIssueState(state.notesData.reopenPath) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => { commit(types.REOPEN_ISSUE); dispatch('emitStateChangedEvent', data); dispatch('toggleStateButtonLoading', false); }); }; export const toggleStateButtonLoading = ({ commit }, value) => commit(types.TOGGLE_STATE_BUTTON_LOADING, value); export const emitStateChangedEvent = ({ getters }, data) => { const event = new CustomEvent('issuable_vue_app:change', { detail: { data, isClosed: getters.openState === constants.CLOSED, }, }); document.dispatchEvent(event); }; export const toggleIssueLocalState = ({ commit }, newState) => { if (newState === constants.CLOSED) { commit(types.CLOSE_ISSUE); } else if (newState === constants.REOPENED) { commit(types.REOPEN_ISSUE); } }; export const saveNote = ({ commit, dispatch }, noteData) => { // For MR discussuions we need to post as `note[note]` and issue we use `note.note`. // For batch comments, we use draft_note const note = ||['note[note]'] ||; let placeholderText = note; const hasQuickActions = utils.hasQuickActions(placeholderText); const replyId =; let methodToDispatch; const postData = Object.assign({}, noteData); if (postData.isDraft === true) { methodToDispatch = replyId ? 'batchComments/addDraftToDiscussion' : 'batchComments/createNewDraft'; if (!postData.draft_note && noteData.note) { postData.draft_note = postData.note; delete postData.note; } } else { methodToDispatch = replyId ? 'replyToDiscussion' : 'createNewNote'; } $('.notes-form .flash-container').hide(); // hide previous flash notification commit(types.REMOVE_PLACEHOLDER_NOTES); // remove previous placeholders if (replyId) { if (hasQuickActions) { placeholderText = utils.stripQuickActions(placeholderText); } if (placeholderText.length) { commit(types.SHOW_PLACEHOLDER_NOTE, { noteBody: placeholderText, replyId, }); } if (hasQuickActions) { commit(types.SHOW_PLACEHOLDER_NOTE, { isSystemNote: true, noteBody: utils.getQuickActionText(note), replyId, }); } } return dispatch(methodToDispatch, postData, { root: true }).then(res => { const { errors } = res; const commandsChanges = res.commands_changes; if (hasQuickActions && errors && Object.keys(errors).length) { eTagPoll.makeRequest(); $('.js-gfm-input').trigger('clear-commands-cache.atwho'); Flash('Commands applied', 'notice', noteData.flashContainer); } if (commandsChanges) { if (commandsChanges.emoji_award) { const votesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq(0); loadAwardsHandler() .then(awardsHandler => { awardsHandler.addAwardToEmojiBar(votesBlock, commandsChanges.emoji_award); awardsHandler.scrollToAwards(); }) .catch(() => { Flash( 'Something went wrong while adding your award. Please try again.', 'alert', noteData.flashContainer, ); }); } if (commandsChanges.spend_time != null || commandsChanges.time_estimate != null) { sidebarTimeTrackingEventHub.$emit('timeTrackingUpdated', res); } } if (errors && errors.commands_only) { Flash(errors.commands_only, 'notice', noteData.flashContainer); } if (replyId) { commit(types.REMOVE_PLACEHOLDER_NOTES); } return res; }); }; const pollSuccessCallBack = (resp, commit, state, getters, dispatch) => { if (resp.notes && resp.notes.length) { const { notesById } = getters; resp.notes.forEach(note => { if (notesById[]) { commit(types.UPDATE_NOTE, note); } else if (note.type === constants.DISCUSSION_NOTE || note.type === constants.DIFF_NOTE) { const discussion = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, note.discussion_id); if (discussion) { commit(types.ADD_NEW_REPLY_TO_DISCUSSION, note); } else if (note.type === constants.DIFF_NOTE) { dispatch('fetchDiscussions', { path: state.notesData.discussionsPath }); } else { commit(types.ADD_NEW_NOTE, note); } } else { commit(types.ADD_NEW_NOTE, note); } }); dispatch('startTaskList'); } commit(types.SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT, resp.last_fetched_at); return resp; }; export const poll = ({ commit, state, getters, dispatch }) => { eTagPoll = new Poll({ resource: service, method: 'poll', data: state, successCallback: resp => resp.json().then(data => pollSuccessCallBack(data, commit, state, getters, dispatch)), errorCallback: () => Flash('Something went wrong while fetching latest comments.'), }); if (!Visibility.hidden()) { eTagPoll.makeRequest(); } else { service.poll(state); } Visibility.change(() => { if (!Visibility.hidden()) { eTagPoll.restart(); } else { eTagPoll.stop(); } }); }; export const stopPolling = () => { eTagPoll.stop(); }; export const restartPolling = () => { eTagPoll.restart(); }; export const fetchData = ({ commit, state, getters }) => { const requestData = { endpoint: state.notesData.notesPath, lastFetchedAt: state.lastFetchedAt, }; service .poll(requestData) .then(resp => resp.json) .then(data => pollSuccessCallBack(data, commit, state, getters)) .catch(() => Flash('Something went wrong while fetching latest comments.')); }; export const toggleAward = ({ commit, getters }, { awardName, noteId }) => { commit(types.TOGGLE_AWARD, { awardName, note: getters.notesById[noteId] }); }; export const toggleAwardRequest = ({ dispatch }, data) => { const { endpoint, awardName } = data; return service .toggleAward(endpoint, { name: awardName }) .then(res => res.json()) .then(() => { dispatch('toggleAward', data); }); }; export const scrollToNoteIfNeeded = (context, el) => { if (!isInViewport(el[0])) { scrollToElement(el); } }; export const fetchDiscussionDiffLines = ({ commit }, discussion) => axios.get(discussion.truncated_diff_lines_path).then(({ data }) => { commit(types.SET_DISCUSSION_DIFF_LINES, { discussionId:, diffLines: data.truncated_diff_lines, }); }); export const updateMergeRequestWidget = () => { mrWidgetEventHub.$emit('mr.discussion.updated'); }; export const setLoadingState = ({ commit }, data) => { commit(types.SET_NOTES_LOADING_STATE, data); }; export const filterDiscussion = ({ dispatch }, { path, filter }) => { dispatch('setLoadingState', true); dispatch('fetchDiscussions', { path, filter }) .then(() => { dispatch('setLoadingState', false); dispatch('setNotesFetchedState', true); }) .catch(() => { dispatch('setLoadingState', false); dispatch('setNotesFetchedState', true); Flash(__('Something went wrong while fetching comments. Please try again.')); }); }; export const setCommentsDisabled = ({ commit }, data) => { commit(types.DISABLE_COMMENTS, data); }; export const startTaskList = ({ dispatch }) => Vue.nextTick( () => new TaskList({ dataType: 'note', fieldName: 'note', selector: '.notes .is-editable', onSuccess: () => dispatch('startTaskList'), }), ); export const updateResolvableDiscussonsCounts = ({ commit }) => commit(types.UPDATE_RESOLVABLE_DISCUSSIONS_COUNTS); export const submitSuggestion = ( { commit }, { discussionId, noteId, suggestionId, flashContainer, callback }, ) => { service .applySuggestion(suggestionId) .then(() => { commit(types.APPLY_SUGGESTION, { discussionId, noteId, suggestionId }); callback(); }) .catch(err => { const defaultMessage = __( 'Something went wrong while applying the suggestion. Please try again.', ); const flashMessage = ? `${}.` : defaultMessage; Flash(__(flashMessage), 'alert', flashContainer); callback(); }); }; export const convertToDiscussion = ({ commit }, noteId) => commit(types.CONVERT_TO_DISCUSSION, noteId); // prevent babel-plugin-rewire from generating an invalid default during karma tests export default () => {};