require 'test_helper' require 'active_record' Mongo.setup! module Elasticsearch module Model class MultipleModelsIntegration < Elasticsearch::Test::IntegrationTestCase context "Multiple models" do setup do ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 1) do create_table :episodes do |t| t.string :name t.datetime :created_at, :default => 'NOW()' end create_table :series do |t| t.string :name t.datetime :created_at, :default => 'NOW()' end end module ::NameSearch extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include Elasticsearch::Model include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks settings index: {number_of_shards: 1, number_of_replicas: 0} do mapping do indexes :name, type: 'string', analyzer: 'snowball' indexes :created_at, type: 'date' end end end end class ::Episode < ActiveRecord::Base include NameSearch end class ::Series < ActiveRecord::Base include NameSearch end [::Episode, ::Series].each do |model| model.delete_all model.__elasticsearch__.create_index! force: true model.create name: "The #{}" model.create name: "A great #{}" model.create name: "The greatest #{}" model.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end end should "find matching documents across multiple models" do response =<"The greatest Episode"^2 OR "The greatest Series">, [Series, Episode]) assert response.any?, "Response should not be empty: #{response.to_a.inspect}" assert_equal 2, response.results.size assert_equal 2, response.records.size assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Result, response.results.first assert_instance_of Episode, response.records.first assert_instance_of Series, response.records.last assert_equal 'The greatest Episode', response.results[0].name assert_equal 'The greatest Episode', response.records[0].name assert_equal 'The greatest Series', response.results[1].name assert_equal 'The greatest Series', response.records[1].name end should "provide access to results" do response =<"A great Episode"^2 OR "A great Series">, [Series, Episode]) assert_equal 'A great Episode', response.results[0].name assert_equal true, response.results[0].name? assert_equal false, response.results[0].boo? assert_equal 'A great Series', response.results[1].name assert_equal true, response.results[1].name? assert_equal false, response.results[1].boo? end should "only retrieve records for existing results" do ::Series.find_by_name("The greatest Series").delete ::Series.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! response =<"The greatest Episode"^2 OR "The greatest Series">, [Series, Episode]) assert response.any?, "Response should not be empty: #{response.to_a.inspect}" assert_equal 2, response.results.size assert_equal 1, response.records.size assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Result, response.results.first assert_instance_of Episode, response.records.first assert_equal 'The greatest Episode', response.results[0].name assert_equal 'The greatest Episode', response.records[0].name end should "paginate the results" do response ='series OR episode', [Series, Episode]) assert_equal 3, assert_equal 3, assert_equal 0, end if Mongo.available? Mongo.connect_to 'mongoid_collections' context "Across mongoid models" do setup do class ::Image include Mongoid::Document include Elasticsearch::Model include Elasticsearch::Model::Callbacks field :name, type: String attr_accessible :name if respond_to? :attr_accessible settings index: {number_of_shards: 1, number_of_replicas: 0} do mapping do indexes :name, type: 'string', analyzer: 'snowball' indexes :created_at, type: 'date' end end def as_indexed_json(options={}) as_json(except: [:_id]) end end Image.delete_all Image.__elasticsearch__.create_index! force: true Image.create! name: "The Image" Image.create! name: "A great Image" Image.create! name: "The greatest Image" Image.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! wait_for_status: 'yellow' end should "find matching documents across multiple models" do response =<"greatest Episode" OR "greatest Image"^2>, [Episode, Image]) assert response.any?, "Response should not be empty: #{response.to_a.inspect}" assert_equal 2, response.results.size assert_equal 2, response.records.size assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Model::Response::Result, response.results.first assert_instance_of Image, response.records.first assert_instance_of Episode, response.records.last assert_equal 'The greatest Image', response.results[0].name assert_equal 'The greatest Image', response.records[0].name assert_equal 'The greatest Episode', response.results[1].name assert_equal 'The greatest Episode', response.records[1].name end end end end end end end