import { shallowMount, mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import timezoneMock from 'timezone-mock'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { GlStackedColumnChart, GlChartLegend } from '@gitlab/ui/dist/charts'; import StackedColumnChart from '~/monitoring/components/charts/stacked_column.vue'; import { stackedColumnMockedData } from '../../mock_data'; jest.mock('~/lib/utils/icon_utils', () => ({ getSvgIconPathContent: jest.fn().mockImplementation(icon => Promise.resolve(`${icon}-content`)), })); describe('Stacked column chart component', () => { let wrapper; const findChart = () => wrapper.find(GlStackedColumnChart); const findLegend = () => wrapper.find(GlChartLegend); const createWrapper = (props = {}, mountingMethod = shallowMount) => mountingMethod(StackedColumnChart, { propsData: { graphData: stackedColumnMockedData, ...props, }, stubs: { GlPopover: true, }, attachToDocument: true, }); beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper({}, mount); }); describe('when graphData is present', () => { beforeEach(() => { createWrapper(); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); it('chart is rendered', () => { expect(findChart().exists()).toBe(true); }); it('data should match the graphData y value for each series', () => { const data = findChart().props('data'); data.forEach((series, index) => { const { values } = stackedColumnMockedData.metrics[index].result[0]; expect(series).toEqual( => value[1])); }); }); it('series names should be the same as the graphData metrics labels', () => { const seriesNames = findChart().props('seriesNames'); expect(seriesNames).toHaveLength(stackedColumnMockedData.metrics.length); seriesNames.forEach((name, index) => { expect(stackedColumnMockedData.metrics[index].label).toBe(name); }); }); it('group by should be the same as the graphData first metric results', () => { const groupBy = findChart().props('groupBy'); expect(groupBy).toEqual([ '2020-01-30T12:00:00.000Z', '2020-01-30T12:01:00.000Z', '2020-01-30T12:02:00.000Z', ]); }); it('chart options should configure data zoom and axis label ', () => { const chartOptions = findChart().props('option'); const xAxisType = findChart().props('xAxisType'); expect(chartOptions).toMatchObject({ dataZoom: [{ handleIcon: 'path://scroll-handle-content' }], xAxis: { axisLabel: { formatter: expect.any(Function) }, }, }); expect(xAxisType).toBe('category'); }); it('chart options should configure category as x axis type', () => { const chartOptions = findChart().props('option'); const xAxisType = findChart().props('xAxisType'); expect(chartOptions).toMatchObject({ xAxis: { type: 'category', }, }); expect(xAxisType).toBe('category'); }); it('format date is correct', () => { const { xAxis } = findChart().props('option'); expect(xAxis.axisLabel.formatter('2020-01-30T12:01:00.000Z')).toBe('12:01 PM'); }); describe('when in PT timezone', () => { beforeAll(() => { timezoneMock.register('US/Pacific'); }); afterAll(() => { timezoneMock.unregister(); }); it('date is shown in local time', () => { const { xAxis } = findChart().props('option'); expect(xAxis.axisLabel.formatter('2020-01-30T12:01:00.000Z')).toBe('4:01 AM'); }); it('date is shown in UTC', () => { wrapper.setProps({ timezone: 'UTC' }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { const { xAxis } = findChart().props('option'); expect(xAxis.axisLabel.formatter('2020-01-30T12:01:00.000Z')).toBe('12:01 PM'); }); }); }); }); describe('when graphData has results missing', () => { beforeEach(() => { const graphData = cloneDeep(stackedColumnMockedData); graphData.metrics[0].result = null; createWrapper({ graphData }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick(); }); it('chart is rendered', () => { expect(findChart().exists()).toBe(true); }); }); describe('legend', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = createWrapper({}, mount); }); it('allows user to override legend label texts using props', () => { const legendRelatedProps = { legendMinText: 'legendMinText', legendMaxText: 'legendMaxText', legendAverageText: 'legendAverageText', legendCurrentText: 'legendCurrentText', }; wrapper.setProps({ ...legendRelatedProps, }); return wrapper.vm.$nextTick().then(() => { expect(findChart().props()).toMatchObject(legendRelatedProps); }); }); it('should render a tabular legend layout by default', () => { expect(findLegend().props('layout')).toBe('table'); }); describe('when inline legend layout prop is set', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper.setProps({ legendLayout: 'inline', }); }); it('should render an inline legend layout', () => { expect(findLegend().props('layout')).toBe('inline'); }); }); describe('when table legend layout prop is set', () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper.setProps({ legendLayout: 'table', }); }); it('should render a tabular legend layout', () => { expect(findLegend().props('layout')).toBe('table'); }); }); }); });