import { namespaceSelectOptions, isImportingAnyRepo, hasProviderRepos, hasIncompatibleRepos, hasImportedProjects, } from '~/import_projects/store/getters'; import state from '~/import_projects/store/state'; describe('import_projects store getters', () => { let localState; beforeEach(() => { localState = state(); }); describe('namespaceSelectOptions', () => { const namespaces = [{ fullPath: 'namespace-0' }, { fullPath: 'namespace-1' }]; const defaultTargetNamespace = 'current-user'; it('returns an options array with a "Users" and "Groups" optgroups', () => { localState.namespaces = namespaces; localState.defaultTargetNamespace = defaultTargetNamespace; const optionsArray = namespaceSelectOptions(localState); const groupsGroup = optionsArray[0]; const usersGroup = optionsArray[1]; expect(groupsGroup.text).toBe('Groups'); expect(usersGroup.text).toBe('Users'); groupsGroup.children.forEach((child, index) => { expect([index].fullPath); expect(child.text).toBe(namespaces[index].fullPath); }); expect(usersGroup.children.length).toBe(1); expect(usersGroup.children[0].id).toBe(defaultTargetNamespace); expect(usersGroup.children[0].text).toBe(defaultTargetNamespace); }); }); describe('isImportingAnyRepo', () => { it('returns true if there are any reposBeingImported', () => { localState.reposBeingImported = new Array(1); expect(isImportingAnyRepo(localState)).toBe(true); }); it('returns false if there are no reposBeingImported', () => { localState.reposBeingImported = []; expect(isImportingAnyRepo(localState)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('hasProviderRepos', () => { it('returns true if there are any providerRepos', () => { localState.providerRepos = new Array(1); expect(hasProviderRepos(localState)).toBe(true); }); it('returns false if there are no providerRepos', () => { localState.providerRepos = []; expect(hasProviderRepos(localState)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('hasImportedProjects', () => { it('returns true if there are any importedProjects', () => { localState.importedProjects = new Array(1); expect(hasImportedProjects(localState)).toBe(true); }); it('returns false if there are no importedProjects', () => { localState.importedProjects = []; expect(hasImportedProjects(localState)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('hasIncompatibleRepos', () => { it('returns true if there are any incompatibleProjects', () => { localState.incompatibleRepos = new Array(1); expect(hasIncompatibleRepos(localState)).toBe(true); }); it('returns false if there are no incompatibleProjects', () => { localState.incompatibleRepos = []; expect(hasIncompatibleRepos(localState)).toBe(false); }); }); });