import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import testAction from 'helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { convertObjectPropsToCamelCase } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import { REQUEST_REPOS, RECEIVE_REPOS_SUCCESS, RECEIVE_REPOS_ERROR, REQUEST_IMPORT, RECEIVE_IMPORT_SUCCESS, RECEIVE_IMPORT_ERROR, RECEIVE_JOBS_SUCCESS, } from '~/import_projects/store/mutation_types'; import { fetchRepos, fetchImport, receiveJobsSuccess, fetchJobs, clearJobsEtagPoll, stopJobsPolling, } from '~/import_projects/store/actions'; import state from '~/import_projects/store/state'; describe('import_projects store actions', () => { let localState; const repos = [{ id: 1 }, { id: 2 }]; const importPayload = { newName: 'newName', targetNamespace: 'targetNamespace', repo: { id: 1 } }; beforeEach(() => { localState = state(); }); describe('fetchRepos', () => { let mock; const payload = { imported_projects: [{}], provider_repos: [{}], namespaces: [{}] }; beforeEach(() => { localState.reposPath = `${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json`; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => mock.restore()); it('dispatches stopJobsPolling actions and commits REQUEST_REPOS, RECEIVE_REPOS_SUCCESS mutations on a successful request', () => { mock.onGet(`${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json`).reply(200, payload); return testAction( fetchRepos, null, localState, [ { type: REQUEST_REPOS }, { type: RECEIVE_REPOS_SUCCESS, payload: convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(payload, { deep: true }), }, ], [{ type: 'stopJobsPolling' }, { type: 'fetchJobs' }], ); }); it('dispatches stopJobsPolling action and commits REQUEST_REPOS, RECEIVE_REPOS_ERROR mutations on an unsuccessful request', () => { mock.onGet(`${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json`).reply(500); return testAction( fetchRepos, null, localState, [{ type: REQUEST_REPOS }, { type: RECEIVE_REPOS_ERROR }], [{ type: 'stopJobsPolling' }], ); }); describe('when filtered', () => { beforeEach(() => { localState.filter = 'filter'; }); it('fetches repos with filter applied', () => { mock.onGet(`${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json?filter=filter`).reply(200, payload); return testAction( fetchRepos, null, localState, [ { type: REQUEST_REPOS }, { type: RECEIVE_REPOS_SUCCESS, payload: convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(payload, { deep: true }), }, ], [{ type: 'stopJobsPolling' }, { type: 'fetchJobs' }], ); }); }); }); describe('fetchImport', () => { let mock; beforeEach(() => { localState.importPath = `${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json`; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => mock.restore()); it('commits REQUEST_IMPORT and REQUEST_IMPORT_SUCCESS mutations on a successful request', () => { const importedProject = { name: 'imported/project' }; const importRepoId =; mock.onPost(`${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json`).reply(200, importedProject); return testAction( fetchImport, importPayload, localState, [ { type: REQUEST_IMPORT, payload: importRepoId }, { type: RECEIVE_IMPORT_SUCCESS, payload: { importedProject: convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(importedProject, { deep: true }), repoId: importRepoId, }, }, ], [], ); }); it('commits REQUEST_IMPORT and RECEIVE_IMPORT_ERROR on an unsuccessful request', () => { mock.onPost(`${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json`).reply(500); return testAction( fetchImport, importPayload, localState, [ { type: REQUEST_IMPORT, payload: }, { type: RECEIVE_IMPORT_ERROR, payload: }, ], [], ); }); }); describe('receiveJobsSuccess', () => { it(`commits ${RECEIVE_JOBS_SUCCESS} mutation`, () => { return testAction( receiveJobsSuccess, repos, localState, [{ type: RECEIVE_JOBS_SUCCESS, payload: repos }], [], ); }); }); describe('fetchJobs', () => { let mock; const updatedProjects = [{ name: 'imported/project' }, { name: 'provider/repo' }]; beforeEach(() => { localState.jobsPath = `${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json`; mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { stopJobsPolling(); clearJobsEtagPoll(); }); afterEach(() => mock.restore()); it('commits RECEIVE_JOBS_SUCCESS mutation on a successful request', async () => { mock.onGet(`${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json`).reply(200, updatedProjects); await testAction( fetchJobs, null, localState, [ { type: RECEIVE_JOBS_SUCCESS, payload: convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(updatedProjects, { deep: true }), }, ], [], ); }); describe('when filtered', () => { beforeEach(() => { localState.filter = 'filter'; }); it('fetches realtime changes with filter applied', () => { mock.onGet(`${TEST_HOST}/endpoint.json?filter=filter`).reply(200, updatedProjects); return testAction( fetchJobs, null, localState, [ { type: RECEIVE_JOBS_SUCCESS, payload: convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(updatedProjects, { deep: true }), }, ], [], ); }); }); }); });