import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import Api from '~/api'; export default { getFileData(endpoint) { return axios.get(endpoint, { params: { format: 'json', viewer: 'none' }, }); }, getRawFileData(file) { if (file.tempFile && !file.prevPath) { return Promise.resolve(file.content); } if (file.raw) { return Promise.resolve(file.raw); } return axios .get(file.rawPath, { transformResponse: [f => f], }) .then(({ data }) => data); }, getBaseRawFileData(file, sha) { if (file.tempFile) { return Promise.resolve(file.baseRaw); } if (file.baseRaw) { return Promise.resolve(file.baseRaw); } return axios .get(file.rawPath.replace(`/raw/${file.branchId}/${file.path}`, `/raw/${sha}/${file.path}`), { transformResponse: [f => f], }) .then(({ data }) => data); }, getProjectData(namespace, project) { return Api.project(`${namespace}/${project}`); }, getProjectMergeRequests(projectId, params = {}) { return Api.projectMergeRequests(projectId, params); }, getProjectMergeRequestData(projectId, mergeRequestId, params = {}) { return Api.projectMergeRequest(projectId, mergeRequestId, params); }, getProjectMergeRequestChanges(projectId, mergeRequestId) { return Api.projectMergeRequestChanges(projectId, mergeRequestId); }, getProjectMergeRequestVersions(projectId, mergeRequestId) { return Api.projectMergeRequestVersions(projectId, mergeRequestId); }, getBranchData(projectId, currentBranchId) { return Api.branchSingle(projectId, currentBranchId); }, commit(projectId, payload) { // Currently the `commit` endpoint does not support `start_sha` so we // have to make the request in the FE. This is not ideal and will be // resolved soon. const { branch, start_sha: ref } = payload; const branchPromise = ref ? Api.createBranch(projectId, { ref, branch }) : Promise.resolve(); return branchPromise.then(() => Api.commitMultiple(projectId, payload)); }, getFiles(projectUrl, branchId) { const url = `${projectUrl}/files/${branchId}`; return axios.get(url, { params: { format: 'json' } }); }, lastCommitPipelines({ getters }) { const commitSha =; return Api.commitPipelines(getters.currentProject.path_with_namespace, commitSha); }, };