import testAction from 'spec/helpers/vuex_action_helper'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import AccessorUtilities from '~/lib/utils/accessor'; import * as actions from '~/frequent_items/store/actions'; import * as types from '~/frequent_items/store/mutation_types'; import state from '~/frequent_items/store/state'; import { mockNamespace, mockStorageKey, mockFrequentProjects, mockSearchedProjects, } from '../mock_data'; describe('Frequent Items Dropdown Store Actions', () => { let mockedState; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mockedState = state(); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mockedState.namespace = mockNamespace; mockedState.storageKey = mockStorageKey; }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); describe('setNamespace', () => { it('should set namespace', done => { testAction( actions.setNamespace, mockNamespace, mockedState, [{ type: types.SET_NAMESPACE, payload: mockNamespace }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('setStorageKey', () => { it('should set storage key', done => { testAction( actions.setStorageKey, mockStorageKey, mockedState, [{ type: types.SET_STORAGE_KEY, payload: mockStorageKey }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('requestFrequentItems', () => { it('should request frequent items', done => { testAction( actions.requestFrequentItems, null, mockedState, [{ type: types.REQUEST_FREQUENT_ITEMS }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveFrequentItemsSuccess', () => { it('should set frequent items', done => { testAction( actions.receiveFrequentItemsSuccess, mockFrequentProjects, mockedState, [{ type: types.RECEIVE_FREQUENT_ITEMS_SUCCESS, payload: mockFrequentProjects }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveFrequentItemsError', () => { it('should set frequent items error state', done => { testAction( actions.receiveFrequentItemsError, null, mockedState, [{ type: types.RECEIVE_FREQUENT_ITEMS_ERROR }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('fetchFrequentItems', () => { it('should dispatch `receiveFrequentItemsSuccess`', done => { mockedState.namespace = mockNamespace; mockedState.storageKey = mockStorageKey; testAction( actions.fetchFrequentItems, null, mockedState, [], [{ type: 'requestFrequentItems' }, { type: 'receiveFrequentItemsSuccess', payload: [] }], done, ); }); it('should dispatch `receiveFrequentItemsError`', done => { spyOn(AccessorUtilities, 'isLocalStorageAccessSafe').and.returnValue(false); mockedState.namespace = mockNamespace; mockedState.storageKey = mockStorageKey; testAction( actions.fetchFrequentItems, null, mockedState, [], [{ type: 'requestFrequentItems' }, { type: 'receiveFrequentItemsError' }], done, ); }); }); describe('requestSearchedItems', () => { it('should request searched items', done => { testAction( actions.requestSearchedItems, null, mockedState, [{ type: types.REQUEST_SEARCHED_ITEMS }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveSearchedItemsSuccess', () => { it('should set searched items', done => { testAction( actions.receiveSearchedItemsSuccess, mockSearchedProjects, mockedState, [{ type: types.RECEIVE_SEARCHED_ITEMS_SUCCESS, payload: mockSearchedProjects }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('receiveSearchedItemsError', () => { it('should set searched items error state', done => { testAction( actions.receiveSearchedItemsError, null, mockedState, [{ type: types.RECEIVE_SEARCHED_ITEMS_ERROR }], [], done, ); }); }); describe('fetchSearchedItems', () => { beforeEach(() => { gon.api_version = 'v4'; }); it('should dispatch `receiveSearchedItemsSuccess`', done => { mock.onGet(/\/api\/v4\/projects.json(.*)$/).replyOnce(200, mockSearchedProjects); testAction( actions.fetchSearchedItems, null, mockedState, [], [ { type: 'requestSearchedItems' }, { type: 'receiveSearchedItemsSuccess', payload: mockSearchedProjects }, ], done, ); }); it('should dispatch `receiveSearchedItemsError`', done => { gon.api_version = 'v4'; mock.onGet(/\/api\/v4\/projects.json(.*)$/).replyOnce(500); testAction( actions.fetchSearchedItems, null, mockedState, [], [{ type: 'requestSearchedItems' }, { type: 'receiveSearchedItemsError' }], done, ); }); }); describe('setSearchQuery', () => { it('should commit query and dispatch `fetchSearchedItems` when query is present', done => { testAction( actions.setSearchQuery, { query: 'test' }, mockedState, [{ type: types.SET_SEARCH_QUERY, payload: { query: 'test' } }], [{ type: 'fetchSearchedItems', payload: { query: 'test' } }], done, ); }); it('should commit query and dispatch `fetchFrequentItems` when query is empty', done => { testAction( actions.setSearchQuery, null, mockedState, [{ type: types.SET_SEARCH_QUERY, payload: null }], [{ type: 'fetchFrequentItems' }], done, ); }); }); });