# Release links API

> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/41766) in GitLab 11.7.

Using this API you can manipulate GitLab's [Release](../../user/project/releases/index.md) links. For manipulating other Release assets, see [Release API](index.md).
GitLab supports links to `http`, `https`, and `ftp` assets.

## Get links

Get assets as links from a Release.

GET /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links

| Attribute     | Type           | Required | Description                             |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `id`          | integer/string | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](../README.md#namespaced-path-encoding). |
| `tag_name`    | string         | yes      | The tag associated with the Release. |

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: n671WNGecHugsdEDPsyo" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/24/releases/v0.1/assets/links"

Example response:


## Get a link

Get an asset as a link from a Release.

GET /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links/:link_id

| Attribute     | Type           | Required | Description                             |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `id`          | integer/string | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](../README.md#namespaced-path-encoding). |
| `tag_name`    | string         | yes      | The tag associated with the Release. |
| `link_id`    | integer         | yes      | The ID of the link. |

Example request:

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: n671WNGecHugsdEDPsyo" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/24/releases/v0.1/assets/links/1"

Example response:


## Create a link

Create an asset as a link from a Release.

POST /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links

| Attribute     | Type           | Required | Description                             |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `id`          | integer/string | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](../README.md#namespaced-path-encoding). |
| `tag_name`    | string         | yes      | The tag associated with the Release. |
| `name`        | string         | yes      | The name of the link. |
| `url`        | string         | yes      | The URL of the link. |

Example request:

curl --request POST \
     --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: n671WNGecHugsdEDPsyo" \
     --data name="awesome-v0.2.dmg" \
     --data url="" \

Example response:


## Update a link

Update an asset as a link from a Release.

PUT /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links/:link_id

| Attribute     | Type           | Required | Description                             |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `id`          | integer/string | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](../README.md#namespaced-path-encoding). |
| `tag_name`    | string         | yes      | The tag associated with the Release. |
| `link_id`    | integer         | yes      | The ID of the link. |
| `name`        | string         | no | The name of the link. |
| `url`        | string         | no | The URL of the link. |

You have to specify at least one of `name` or `url`

Example request:

curl --request PUT --data name="new name" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: n671WNGecHugsdEDPsyo" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/24/releases/v0.1/assets/links/1"

Example response:

   "name":"new name",

## Delete a link

Delete an asset as a link from a Release.

DELETE /projects/:id/releases/:tag_name/assets/links/:link_id

| Attribute     | Type           | Required | Description                             |
| ------------- | -------------- | -------- | --------------------------------------- |
| `id`          | integer/string | yes      | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project](../README.md#namespaced-path-encoding). |
| `tag_name`    | string         | yes      | The tag associated with the Release. |
| `link_id`    | integer         | yes      | The ID of the link. |

Example request:

curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: n671WNGecHugsdEDPsyo" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/24/releases/v0.1/assets/links/1"

Example response:

   "name":"new name",