import '~/behaviors/autosize'; import { setHTMLFixture, resetHTMLFixture } from 'helpers/fixtures'; jest.mock('~/helpers/startup_css_helper', () => { return { waitForCSSLoaded: jest.fn().mockImplementation((cb) => { // This is a hack: // autosize.js will execute and modify the DOM // whenever waitForCSSLoaded calls its callback function. // This setTimeout is here because everything within setTimeout will be queued // as async code until the current call stack is executed. // If we would not do this, the mock for waitForCSSLoaded would call its callback // before the fixture in the beforeEach is set and the Test would fail. // more on this here: setTimeout(() => { cb.apply(); }, 0); }), }; }); describe('Autosize behavior', () => { beforeEach(() => { setHTMLFixture('<textarea class="js-autosize"></textarea>'); }); afterEach(() => { resetHTMLFixture(); }); it('is applied to the textarea', () => { // This is the second part of the Hack: // Because we are forcing the mock for WaitForCSSLoaded and the very end of our callstack // to call its callback. This querySelector needs to go to the very end of our callstack // as well, if we would not have this jest.runOnlyPendingTimers here, the querySelector // would not run and the test would fail. jest.runOnlyPendingTimers(); const textarea = document.querySelector('textarea'); expect(textarea.classList).toContain('js-autosize-initialized'); }); });