import Vue from 'vue'; import createStore from '~/notes/stores'; import issueNoteForm from '~/notes/components/note_form.vue'; import { noteableDataMock, notesDataMock } from '../mock_data'; import { keyboardDownEvent } from '../../issue_show/helpers'; describe('issue_note_form component', () => { let store; let vm; let props; beforeEach(() => { const Component = Vue.extend(issueNoteForm); store = createStore(); store.dispatch('setNoteableData', noteableDataMock); store.dispatch('setNotesData', notesDataMock); props = { isEditing: false, noteBody: 'Magni suscipit eius consectetur enim et ex et commodi.', noteId: '545', }; vm = new Component({ store, propsData: props, }).$mount(); }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); describe('noteHash', () => { it('returns note hash string based on `noteId`', () => { expect(vm.noteHash).toBe(`#note_${props.noteId}`); }); it('return note hash as `#` when `noteId` is empty', done => { vm.noteId = ''; Vue.nextTick() .then(() => { expect(vm.noteHash).toBe('#'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('conflicts editing', () => { it('should show conflict message if note changes outside the component', done => { vm.isEditing = true; vm.noteBody = 'Foo'; const message = 'This comment has changed since you started editing, please review the updated comment to ensure information is not lost.'; Vue.nextTick(() => { expect( vm.$el .querySelector('.js-conflict-edit-warning') .textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ') .trim(), ).toEqual(message); done(); }); }); }); describe('form', () => { it('should render text area with placeholder', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('textarea').getAttribute('placeholder')).toEqual( 'Write a comment or drag your files hereā€¦', ); }); it('should link to markdown docs', () => { const { markdownDocsPath } = notesDataMock; expect(vm.$el.querySelector(`a[href="${markdownDocsPath}"]`).textContent.trim()).toEqual( 'Markdown', ); }); describe('keyboard events', () => { describe('up', () => { it('should ender edit mode', () => { spyOn(vm, 'editMyLastNote').and.callThrough(); vm.$el.querySelector('textarea').value = 'Foo'; vm.$el.querySelector('textarea').dispatchEvent(keyboardDownEvent(38, true)); expect(vm.editMyLastNote).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('enter', () => { it('should save note when cmd+enter is pressed', () => { spyOn(vm, 'handleUpdate').and.callThrough(); vm.$el.querySelector('textarea').value = 'Foo'; vm.$el.querySelector('textarea').dispatchEvent(keyboardDownEvent(13, true)); expect(vm.handleUpdate).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should save note when ctrl+enter is pressed', () => { spyOn(vm, 'handleUpdate').and.callThrough(); vm.$el.querySelector('textarea').value = 'Foo'; vm.$el.querySelector('textarea').dispatchEvent(keyboardDownEvent(13, false, true)); expect(vm.handleUpdate).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('actions', () => { it('should be possible to cancel', done => { spyOn(vm, 'cancelHandler').and.callThrough(); vm.isEditing = true; Vue.nextTick(() => { vm.$el.querySelector('.note-edit-cancel').click(); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(vm.cancelHandler).toHaveBeenCalled(); done(); }); }); }); it('should be possible to update the note', done => { vm.isEditing = true; Vue.nextTick(() => { vm.$el.querySelector('textarea').value = 'Foo'; vm.$el.querySelector('.js-vue-issue-save').click(); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(vm.isSubmitting).toEqual(true); done(); }); }); }); }); }); });