import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'underscore'; import Vue from 'vue'; import notesApp from '~/notes/components/notes_app.vue'; import service from '~/notes/services/notes_service'; import createStore from '~/notes/stores'; import '~/behaviors/markdown/render_gfm'; import { mountComponentWithStore } from 'spec/helpers'; import * as mockData from '../mock_data'; const vueMatchers = { toIncludeElement() { return { compare(vm, selector) { const result = { pass: vm.$el.querySelector(selector) !== null, }; return result; }, }; }, }; describe('note_app', () => { let mountComponent; let vm; let store; beforeEach(() => { jasmine.addMatchers(vueMatchers); $('body').attr('data-page', 'projects:merge_requests:show'); const IssueNotesApp = Vue.extend(notesApp); store = createStore(); mountComponent = data => { const props = data || { noteableData: mockData.noteableDataMock, notesData: mockData.notesDataMock, userData: mockData.userDataMock, }; return mountComponentWithStore(IssueNotesApp, { props, store, }); }; }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); describe('set data', () => { const responseInterceptor = (request, next) => { next( request.respondWith(JSON.stringify([]), { status: 200, }), ); }; beforeEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors.push(responseInterceptor); vm = mountComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors = _.without(Vue.http.interceptors, responseInterceptor); }); it('should set notes data', () => { expect(vm.$store.state.notesData).toEqual(mockData.notesDataMock); }); it('should set issue data', () => { expect(vm.$store.state.noteableData).toEqual(mockData.noteableDataMock); }); it('should set user data', () => { expect(vm.$store.state.userData).toEqual(mockData.userDataMock); }); it('should fetch discussions', () => { expect(vm.$store.state.discussions).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('render', () => { beforeEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors.push(mockData.individualNoteInterceptor); vm = mountComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors = _.without(Vue.http.interceptors, mockData.individualNoteInterceptor); }); it('should render list of notes', done => { const note = mockData.INDIVIDUAL_NOTE_RESPONSE_MAP.GET[ '/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/26/discussions.json' ][0].notes[0]; setTimeout(() => { expect( vm.$el.querySelector('.main-notes-list .note-header-author-name').textContent.trim(), ).toEqual(; expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.main-notes-list .note-text').innerHTML).toEqual( note.note_html, ); done(); }, 0); }); it('should render form', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-main-target-form').tagName).toEqual('FORM'); expect( vm.$el.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea').getAttribute('placeholder'), ).toEqual('Write a comment or drag your files here…'); }); it('should render form comment button as disabled', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-note-new-discussion').getAttribute('disabled')).toEqual( 'disabled', ); }); }); describe('while fetching data', () => { beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(); }); it('renders skeleton notes', () => { expect(vm).toIncludeElement('.animation-container'); }); it('should render form', () => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-main-target-form').tagName).toEqual('FORM'); expect( vm.$el.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea').getAttribute('placeholder'), ).toEqual('Write a comment or drag your files here…'); }); }); describe('update note', () => { describe('individual note', () => { beforeEach(done => { Vue.http.interceptors.push(mockData.individualNoteInterceptor); spyOn(service, 'updateNote').and.callThrough(); vm = mountComponent(); setTimeout(() => { vm.$el.querySelector('.js-note-edit').click(); Vue.nextTick(done); }, 0); }); afterEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors = _.without( Vue.http.interceptors, mockData.individualNoteInterceptor, ); }); it('renders edit form', () => { expect(vm).toIncludeElement('.js-vue-issue-note-form'); }); it('calls the service to update the note', done => { vm.$el.querySelector('.js-vue-issue-note-form').value = 'this is a note'; vm.$el.querySelector('.js-vue-issue-save').click(); expect(service.updateNote).toHaveBeenCalled(); // Wait for the requests to finish before destroying Vue.nextTick() .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('discussion note', () => { beforeEach(done => { Vue.http.interceptors.push(mockData.discussionNoteInterceptor); spyOn(service, 'updateNote').and.callThrough(); vm = mountComponent(); setTimeout(() => { vm.$el.querySelector('.js-note-edit').click(); Vue.nextTick(done); }, 0); }); afterEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors = _.without( Vue.http.interceptors, mockData.discussionNoteInterceptor, ); }); it('renders edit form', () => { expect(vm).toIncludeElement('.js-vue-issue-note-form'); }); it('updates the note and resets the edit form', done => { vm.$el.querySelector('.js-vue-issue-note-form').value = 'this is a note'; vm.$el.querySelector('.js-vue-issue-save').click(); expect(service.updateNote).toHaveBeenCalled(); // Wait for the requests to finish before destroying Vue.nextTick() .then(done) .catch(; }); }); }); describe('new note form', () => { beforeEach(() => { vm = mountComponent(); }); it('should render markdown docs url', () => { const { markdownDocsPath } = mockData.notesDataMock; expect(vm.$el.querySelector(`a[href="${markdownDocsPath}"]`).textContent.trim()).toEqual( 'Markdown', ); }); it('should render quick action docs url', () => { const { quickActionsDocsPath } = mockData.notesDataMock; expect(vm.$el.querySelector(`a[href="${quickActionsDocsPath}"]`).textContent.trim()).toEqual( 'quick actions', ); }); }); describe('edit form', () => { beforeEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors.push(mockData.individualNoteInterceptor); vm = mountComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors = _.without(Vue.http.interceptors, mockData.individualNoteInterceptor); }); it('should render markdown docs url', done => { setTimeout(() => { vm.$el.querySelector('.js-note-edit').click(); const { markdownDocsPath } = mockData.notesDataMock; Vue.nextTick(() => { expect( vm.$el.querySelector(`.edit-note a[href="${markdownDocsPath}"]`).textContent.trim(), ).toEqual('Markdown is supported'); done(); }); }, 0); }); it('should not render quick actions docs url', done => { setTimeout(() => { vm.$el.querySelector('.js-note-edit').click(); const { quickActionsDocsPath } = mockData.notesDataMock; Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector(`.edit-note a[href="${quickActionsDocsPath}"]`)).toEqual( null, ); done(); }); }, 0); }); }); });