import Vue from 'vue'; import frequentItemsListItemComponent from '~/frequent_items/components/frequent_items_list_item.vue'; import mountComponent from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper'; import { mockProject } from '../mock_data'; // can also use 'mockGroup', but not useful to test here const createComponent = () => { const Component = Vue.extend(frequentItemsListItemComponent); return mountComponent(Component, { itemId:, itemName:, namespace: mockProject.namespace, webUrl: mockProject.webUrl, avatarUrl: mockProject.avatarUrl, }); }; describe('FrequentItemsListItemComponent', () => { let vm; beforeEach(() => { vm = createComponent(); }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); describe('computed', () => { describe('hasAvatar', () => { it('should return `true` or `false` if whether avatar is present or not', () => { vm.avatarUrl = 'path/to/avatar.png'; expect(vm.hasAvatar).toBe(true); vm.avatarUrl = null; expect(vm.hasAvatar).toBe(false); }); }); describe('highlightedItemName', () => { it('should enclose part of project name in & which matches with `matcher` prop', () => { vm.matcher = 'lab'; expect(vm.highlightedItemName).toContain('Lab'); }); it('should return project name as it is if `matcher` is not available', () => { vm.matcher = null; expect(vm.highlightedItemName).toBe(; }); }); describe('truncatedNamespace', () => { it('should truncate project name from namespace string', () => { vm.namespace = 'platform / nokia-3310'; expect(vm.truncatedNamespace).toBe('platform'); }); it('should truncate namespace string from the middle if it includes more than two groups in path', () => { vm.namespace = 'platform / hardware / broadcom / Wifi Group / Mobile Chipset / nokia-3310'; expect(vm.truncatedNamespace).toBe('platform / ... / Mobile Chipset'); }); }); }); describe('template', () => { it('should render component element', () => { expect(vm.$el.classList.contains('frequent-items-list-item-container')).toBeTruthy(); expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('a').length).toBe(1); expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.frequent-items-item-avatar-container').length).toBe(1); expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.frequent-items-item-metadata-container').length).toBe(1); expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.frequent-items-item-title').length).toBe(1); expect(vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.frequent-items-item-namespace').length).toBe(1); }); }); });