module Gitlab module Metrics module Methods class MetricOptions SMALL_NETWORK_BUCKETS = [0.005, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10].freeze def initialize(options = {}) @multiprocess_mode = options[:multiprocess_mode] || :all @buckets = options[:buckets] || SMALL_NETWORK_BUCKETS @base_labels = options[:base_labels] || {} @docstring = options[:docstring] @with_feature = options[:with_feature] end # Documentation describing metric in metrics endpoint '/-/metrics' def docstring(docstring = nil) @docstring = docstring unless docstring.nil? @docstring end # Gauge aggregation mode for multiprocess metrics # - :all (default) returns each gauge for every process # - :livesum all process'es gauges summed up # - :max maximum value of per process gauges # - :min minimum value of per process gauges def multiprocess_mode(mode = nil) @multiprocess_mode = mode unless mode.nil? @multiprocess_mode end # Measurement buckets for histograms def buckets(buckets = nil) @buckets = buckets unless buckets.nil? @buckets end # Base labels are merged with per metric labels def base_labels(base_labels = nil) @base_labels = base_labels unless base_labels.nil? @base_labels end # Use feature toggle to control whether certain metric is enabled/disabled def with_feature(name = nil) @with_feature = name unless name.nil? @with_feature end def evaluate(&block) instance_eval(&block) if block_given? self end end end end end