module Boards module Issues class ListService < Boards::BaseService def execute issues =, filter_params).execute issues = without_board_labels(issues) unless movable_list? || closed_list? issues = with_list_label(issues) if movable_list? issues.order_by_position_and_priority end private def board @board ||= parent.boards.find(params[:board_id]) end def list return @list if defined?(@list) @list = board.lists.find(params[:id]) if params.key?(:id) end def movable_list? return @movable_list if defined?(@movable_list) @movable_list = list.present? && list.movable? end def closed_list? return @closed_list if defined?(@closed_list) @closed_list = list.present? && list.closed? end def filter_params set_parent set_state params end def set_parent if parent.is_a?(Group) params[:group_id] = else params[:project_id] = end end def set_state params[:state] = list && list.closed? ? 'closed' : 'opened' end def board_label_ids @board_label_ids ||= board.lists.movable.pluck(:label_id) end def without_board_labels(issues) return issues unless board_label_ids.any? issues.where.not(issues_label_links.limit(1).arel.exists) end def issues_label_links LabelLink.where("label_links.target_type = 'Issue' AND label_links.target_id =").where(label_id: board_label_ids) end def with_list_label(issues) issues.where( LabelLink.where("label_links.target_type = 'Issue' AND label_links.target_id =") .where("label_links.label_id = ?", list.label_id).limit(1).arel.exists ) end end end end