module Gitlab module Auth MissingPersonalAccessTokenError = REGISTRY_SCOPES = [:read_registry].freeze # Scopes used for GitLab API access API_SCOPES = [:api, :read_user, :sudo].freeze # Scopes used for OpenID Connect OPENID_SCOPES = [:openid].freeze # Default scopes for OAuth applications that don't define their own DEFAULT_SCOPES = [:api].freeze class << self def find_for_git_client(login, password, project:, ip:) raise "Must provide an IP for rate limiting" if ip.nil? # `user_with_password_for_git` should be the last check # because it's the most expensive, especially when LDAP # is enabled. result = service_request_check(login, password, project) || build_access_token_check(login, password) || lfs_token_check(login, password, project) || oauth_access_token_check(login, password) || personal_access_token_check(password) || user_with_password_for_git(login, password) || rate_limit!(ip, success: result.success?, login: login) Gitlab::Auth::UniqueIpsLimiter.limit_user!( return result if result.success? || authenticate_using_internal_or_ldap_password? # If sign-in is disabled and LDAP is not configured, recommend a # personal access token on failed auth attempts raise Gitlab::Auth::MissingPersonalAccessTokenError end def find_with_user_password(login, password) # Avoid resource intensive checks if login credentials are not provided return unless login.present? && password.present? # Nothing to do here if internal auth is disabled and LDAP is # not configured return unless authenticate_using_internal_or_ldap_password? Gitlab::Auth::UniqueIpsLimiter.limit_user! do user = User.by_login(login) return if user && ! authenticators = [] if user authenticators << Gitlab::Auth::OAuth::Provider.authentication(user, 'database') # Add authenticators for all identities if user is not nil user&.identities&.each do |identity| authenticators << Gitlab::Auth::OAuth::Provider.authentication(user, identity.provider) end else # If no user is provided, try LDAP. # LDAP users are only authenticated via LDAP authenticators << Gitlab::Auth::LDAP::Authentication end authenticators.compact! # return found user that was authenticated first for given login credentials authenticators.find do |auth| authenticated_user = auth.login(login, password) break authenticated_user if authenticated_user end end end def rate_limit!(ip, success:, login:) rate_limiter = return unless rate_limiter.enabled? if success # Repeated login 'failures' are normal behavior for some Git clients so # it is important to reset the ban counter once the client has proven # they are not a 'bad guy'. rate_limiter.reset! else # Register a login failure so that Rack::Attack can block the next # request from this IP if needed. rate_limiter.register_fail! if rate_limiter.banned? "IP #{ip} failed to login " \ "as #{login} but has been temporarily banned from Git auth" end end end private def authenticate_using_internal_or_ldap_password? Gitlab::CurrentSettings.password_authentication_enabled_for_git? || Gitlab::Auth::LDAP::Config.enabled? end def service_request_check(login, password, project) matched_login = /(?^[a-zA-Z]*-ci)-token$/.match(login) return unless project && matched_login.present? underscored_service = matched_login['service'].underscore if Service.available_services_names.include?(underscored_service) # We treat underscored_service as a trusted input because it is included # in the Service.available_services_names whitelist. service = project.public_send("#{underscored_service}_service") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend if service && service.activated? && service.valid_token?(password), project, :ci, build_authentication_abilities) end end end def user_with_password_for_git(login, password) user = find_with_user_password(login, password) return unless user raise Gitlab::Auth::MissingPersonalAccessTokenError if user.two_factor_enabled?, nil, :gitlab_or_ldap, full_authentication_abilities) end def oauth_access_token_check(login, password) if login == "oauth2" && password.present? token = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.by_token(password) if valid_oauth_token?(token) user = User.find_by(id: token.resource_owner_id), nil, :oauth, full_authentication_abilities) end end end def personal_access_token_check(password) return unless password.present? token = 'active').find_by(token: password) if token && valid_scoped_token?(token, available_scopes), nil, :personal_access_token, abilities_for_scopes(token.scopes)) end end def valid_oauth_token?(token) token && token.accessible? && valid_scoped_token?(token, [:api]) end def valid_scoped_token?(token, scopes) end def abilities_for_scopes(scopes) abilities_by_scope = { api: full_authentication_abilities, read_registry: [:read_container_image] } scopes.flat_map do |scope| abilities_by_scope.fetch(scope.to_sym, []) end.uniq end def lfs_token_check(login, password, project) deploy_key_matches = login.match(/\Alfs\+deploy-key-(\d+)\z/) actor = if deploy_key_matches DeployKey.find(deploy_key_matches[1]) else User.by_login(login) end return unless actor token_handler = authentication_abilities = if token_handler.user? full_authentication_abilities elsif token_handler.deploy_key_pushable?(project) read_write_authentication_abilities else read_authentication_abilities end if Devise.secure_compare(token_handler.token, password), nil, token_handler.type, authentication_abilities) end end def build_access_token_check(login, password) return unless login == 'gitlab-ci-token' return unless password build = ::Ci::Build.running.find_by_token(password) return unless build return unless build.project.builds_enabled? if build.user # If user is assigned to build, use restricted credentials of user, build.project, :build, build_authentication_abilities) else # Otherwise use generic CI credentials (backward compatibility), build.project, :ci, build_authentication_abilities) end end public def build_authentication_abilities [ :read_project, :build_download_code, :build_read_container_image, :build_create_container_image ] end def read_authentication_abilities [ :read_project, :download_code, :read_container_image ] end def read_write_authentication_abilities read_authentication_abilities + [ :push_code, :create_container_image ] end def full_authentication_abilities read_write_authentication_abilities + [ :admin_container_image ] end def available_scopes(current_user = nil) scopes = API_SCOPES + registry_scopes scopes.delete(:sudo) if current_user && !current_user.admin? scopes end # Other available scopes def optional_scopes available_scopes + OPENID_SCOPES - DEFAULT_SCOPES end def registry_scopes return [] unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled REGISTRY_SCOPES end end end end