# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::Graphql::Connections::Keyset::Connection do let(:nodes) { Project.all.order(id: :asc) } let(:arguments) { {} } subject(:connection) do described_class.new(nodes, arguments, max_page_size: 3) end def encoded_cursor(node) described_class.new(nodes, {}).cursor_from_node(node) end def decoded_cursor(cursor) JSON.parse(Base64Bp.urlsafe_decode64(cursor)) end describe '#cursor_from_nodes' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:cursor) { connection.cursor_from_node(project) } it 'returns an encoded ID' do expect(decoded_cursor(cursor)).to eq('id' => project.id.to_s) end context 'when an order is specified' do let(:nodes) { Project.order(:updated_at) } it 'returns the encoded value of the order' do expect(decoded_cursor(cursor)).to include('updated_at' => project.updated_at.to_s) end it 'includes the :id even when not specified in the order' do expect(decoded_cursor(cursor)).to include('id' => project.id.to_s) end end context 'when multiple orders are specified' do let(:nodes) { Project.order(:updated_at).order(:created_at) } it 'returns the encoded value of the order' do expect(decoded_cursor(cursor)).to include('updated_at' => project.updated_at.to_s) end end context 'when multiple orders with SQL are specified' do let(:nodes) { Project.order(Arel.sql('projects.updated_at IS NULL')).order(:updated_at).order(:id) } it 'returns the encoded value of the order' do expect(decoded_cursor(cursor)).to include('updated_at' => project.updated_at.to_s) end end end describe '#sliced_nodes' do let(:projects) { create_list(:project, 4) } context 'when before is passed' do let(:arguments) { { before: encoded_cursor(projects[1]) } } it 'only returns the project before the selected one' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to contain_exactly(projects.first) end context 'when the sort order is descending' do let(:nodes) { Project.all.order(id: :desc) } it 'returns the correct nodes' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to contain_exactly(*projects[2..-1]) end end end context 'when after is passed' do let(:arguments) { { after: encoded_cursor(projects[1]) } } it 'only returns the project before the selected one' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to contain_exactly(*projects[2..-1]) end context 'when the sort order is descending' do let(:nodes) { Project.all.order(id: :desc) } it 'returns the correct nodes' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to contain_exactly(projects.first) end end end context 'when both before and after are passed' do let(:arguments) do { after: encoded_cursor(projects[1]), before: encoded_cursor(projects[3]) } end it 'returns the expected set' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to contain_exactly(projects[2]) end end context 'when multiple orders are defined' do let!(:project1) { create(:project, last_repository_check_at: 10.days.ago) } # Asc: project5 Desc: project3 let!(:project2) { create(:project, last_repository_check_at: nil) } # Asc: project1 Desc: project1 let!(:project3) { create(:project, last_repository_check_at: 5.days.ago) } # Asc: project3 Desc: project5 let!(:project4) { create(:project, last_repository_check_at: nil) } # Asc: project2 Desc: project2 let!(:project5) { create(:project, last_repository_check_at: 20.days.ago) } # Asc: project4 Desc: project4 context 'when ascending' do let(:nodes) do Project.order(Arel.sql('projects.last_repository_check_at IS NULL')).order(last_repository_check_at: :asc).order(id: :asc) end context 'when no cursor is passed' do let(:arguments) { {} } it 'returns projects in ascending order' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project5, project1, project3, project2, project4]) end end context 'when before cursor value is NULL' do let(:arguments) { { before: encoded_cursor(project4) } } it 'returns all projects before the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project5, project1, project3, project2]) end end context 'when before cursor value is not NULL' do let(:arguments) { { before: encoded_cursor(project3) } } it 'returns all projects before the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project5, project1]) end end context 'when after cursor value is NULL' do let(:arguments) { { after: encoded_cursor(project2) } } it 'returns all projects after the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project4]) end end context 'when after cursor value is not NULL' do let(:arguments) { { after: encoded_cursor(project1) } } it 'returns all projects after the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project3, project2, project4]) end end context 'when before and after cursor' do let(:arguments) { { before: encoded_cursor(project4), after: encoded_cursor(project5) } } it 'returns all projects after the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project1, project3, project2]) end end end context 'when descending' do let(:nodes) do Project.order(Arel.sql('projects.last_repository_check_at IS NULL')).order(last_repository_check_at: :desc).order(id: :asc) end context 'when no cursor is passed' do let(:arguments) { {} } it 'only returns projects in descending order' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project3, project1, project5, project2, project4]) end end context 'when before cursor value is NULL' do let(:arguments) { { before: encoded_cursor(project4) } } it 'returns all projects before the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project3, project1, project5, project2]) end end context 'when before cursor value is not NULL' do let(:arguments) { { before: encoded_cursor(project5) } } it 'returns all projects before the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project3, project1]) end end context 'when after cursor value is NULL' do let(:arguments) { { after: encoded_cursor(project2) } } it 'returns all projects after the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project4]) end end context 'when after cursor value is not NULL' do let(:arguments) { { after: encoded_cursor(project1) } } it 'returns all projects after the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project5, project2, project4]) end end context 'when before and after cursor' do let(:arguments) { { before: encoded_cursor(project4), after: encoded_cursor(project3) } } it 'returns all projects after the cursor' do expect(subject.sliced_nodes).to eq([project1, project5, project2]) end end end end context 'when an invalid cursor is provided' do let(:arguments) { { before: Base64Bp.urlsafe_encode64('invalidcursor', padding: false) } } it 'raises an error' do expect { subject.sliced_nodes }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ArgumentError) end end end describe '#paged_nodes' do let_it_be(:all_nodes) { create_list(:project, 5) } let(:paged_nodes) { subject.paged_nodes } it_behaves_like "connection with paged nodes" context 'when both are passed' do let(:arguments) { { first: 2, last: 2 } } it 'raises an error' do expect { paged_nodes }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ArgumentError) end end context 'when primary key is not in original order' do let(:nodes) { Project.order(last_repository_check_at: :desc) } it 'is added to end' do sliced = subject.sliced_nodes last_order_name = sliced.order_values.last.expr.name expect(last_order_name).to eq sliced.primary_key end end context 'when there is no primary key' do let(:nodes) { NoPrimaryKey.all } it 'raises an error' do expect(NoPrimaryKey.primary_key).to be_nil expect { subject.sliced_nodes }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, 'Relation must have a primary key') end end end class NoPrimaryKey < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = 'no_primary_key' self.primary_key = nil end end