# frozen_string_literal: true return if Rails.env.production? module Gitlab module Graphql module Docs # Helper with functions to be used by HAML templates # This includes graphql-docs gem helpers class. # You can check the included module on: https://github.com/gjtorikian/graphql-docs/blob/v1.6.0/lib/graphql-docs/helpers.rb module Helper include GraphQLDocs::Helpers def auto_generated_comment <<-MD.strip_heredoc MD end # Some fields types are arrays of other types and are displayed # on docs wrapped in square brackets, for example: [String!]. # This makes GitLab docs renderer thinks they are links so here # we change them to be rendered as: String! => Array. def render_field_type(type) array_type = type[/\[(.+)\]/, 1] if array_type "#{array_type} => Array" else type end end # We are ignoring connections and built in types for now, # they should be added when queries are generated. def objects graphql_object_types.select do |object_type| !object_type[:name]["Connection"] && !object_type[:name]["Edge"] && !object_type[:name]["__"] end end end end end end