module Elasticsearch module Model module Adapter # An adapter for Mongoid-based models # # @see # module Mongoid Adapter.register self, lambda { |klass| !!defined?(::Mongoid::Document) && klass.respond_to?(:ancestors) && klass.ancestors.include?(::Mongoid::Document) } module Records # Return a `Mongoid::Criteria` instance # def records criteria = klass.where( => ids) criteria.instance_exec(response.response['hits']['hits']) do |hits| define_singleton_method :to_a do self.entries.sort_by { |e| hits.index { |hit| hit['_id'].to_s == } } end end criteria end # Intercept call to sorting methods, so we can ignore the order from Elasticsearch # %w| asc desc order_by |.each do |name| define_method name do |*args| criteria = records.__send__ name, *args criteria.instance_exec do define_singleton_method(:to_a) { self.entries } end criteria end end end module Callbacks # Handle index updates (creating, updating or deleting documents) # when the model changes, by hooking into the lifecycle # # @see # def self.included(base) base.after_create { |document| document.__elasticsearch__.index_document } base.after_update { |document| document.__elasticsearch__.update_document } base.after_destroy { |document| document.__elasticsearch__.delete_document } end end module Importing # Fetch batches of records from the database # # @see # @see # def __find_in_batches(options={}, &block) options[:batch_size] ||= 1_000 all.no_timeout.each_slice(options[:batch_size]) do |items| yield items end end def __transform lambda {|a| { index: { _id:, data: a.as_indexed_json } }} end end end end end end