# frozen_string_literal: true # When adding new user-configurable throttles, remember to update the documentation # in doc/user/admin_area/settings/user_and_ip_rate_limits.md # # Integration specs for throttling can be found in: # spec/requests/rack_attack_global_spec.rb module Gitlab module RackAttack def self.configure(rack_attack) # This adds some methods used by our throttles to the `Rack::Request` rack_attack::Request.include(Gitlab::RackAttack::Request) # This is Rack::Attack::DEFAULT_THROTTLED_RESPONSE, modified to allow a custom response rack_attack.throttled_responder = lambda do |request| throttled_headers = Gitlab::RackAttack.throttled_response_headers( request.env['rack.attack.matched'], request.env['rack.attack.match_data'] ) [429, { 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' }.merge(throttled_headers), [Gitlab::Throttle.rate_limiting_response_text]] end rack_attack.cache.store = Gitlab::RackAttack::InstrumentedCacheStore.new # Configure the throttles configure_throttles(rack_attack) configure_user_allowlist end # Rate Limit HTTP headers are not standardized anywhere. This is the latest # draft submitted to IETF: # https://github.com/ietf-wg-httpapi/ratelimit-headers/blob/main/draft-ietf-httpapi-ratelimit-headers.md # # This method implement the most viable parts of the headers. Those headers # will be sent back to the client when it gets throttled. # # - RateLimit-Limit: indicates the request quota associated to the client # in 60 seconds. The time window for the quota here is supposed to be # mirrored to throttle_*_period_in_seconds application settings. However, # our HAProxy as well as some ecosystem libraries are using a fixed # 60-second window. Therefore, the returned limit is approximately rounded # up to fit into that window. # # - RateLimit-Observed: indicates the current request amount associated to # the client within the time window. # # - RateLimit-Remaining: indicates the remaining quota within the time # window. It is the result of RateLimit-Limit - RateLimit-Remaining # # - Retry-After: the remaining duration in seconds until the quota is # reset. This is a standardized HTTP header: # https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7231#page-69 # # - RateLimit-Reset: the point of time that the request quota is reset, in Unix time # # - RateLimit-ResetTime: the point of time that the request quota is reset, in HTTP date format def self.throttled_response_headers(matched, match_data) # Match data example: # {:discriminator=>"", :count=>12, :period=>60 seconds, :limit=>1, :epoch_time=>1609833930} # Source: https://github.com/rack/rack-attack/blob/v6.3.0/lib/rack/attack/throttle.rb#L33 period = match_data[:period] limit = match_data[:limit] rounded_limit = (limit.to_f * 1.minute / match_data[:period]).ceil observed = match_data[:count] now = match_data[:epoch_time] retry_after = period - (now % period) reset_time = Time.at(now + retry_after) # rubocop:disable Rails/TimeZone { 'RateLimit-Name' => matched.to_s, 'RateLimit-Limit' => rounded_limit.to_s, 'RateLimit-Observed' => observed.to_s, 'RateLimit-Remaining' => (limit > observed ? limit - observed : 0).to_s, 'RateLimit-Reset' => reset_time.to_i.to_s, 'RateLimit-ResetTime' => reset_time.httpdate, 'Retry-After' => retry_after.to_s } end def self.configure_user_allowlist @user_allowlist = nil user_allowlist end def self.configure_throttles(rack_attack) # Each of these settings follows the same pattern of specifying separate # authenticated and unauthenticated rates via settings Gitlab::Throttle::REGULAR_THROTTLES.each do |throttle| unauthenticated_options = Gitlab::Throttle.options(throttle, authenticated: false) throttle_or_track(rack_attack, "throttle_unauthenticated_#{throttle}", unauthenticated_options) do |req| if req.throttle?(throttle, authenticated: false) req.ip end end authenticated_options = Gitlab::Throttle.options(throttle, authenticated: true) throttle_or_track(rack_attack, "throttle_authenticated_#{throttle}", authenticated_options) do |req| if req.throttle?(throttle, authenticated: true) req.throttled_identifer([:api]) end end end throttle_or_track(rack_attack, 'throttle_unauthenticated_web', Gitlab::Throttle.unauthenticated_web_options) do |req| if req.throttle_unauthenticated_web? req.ip end end # Product analytics feature is in experimental stage. # At this point we want to limit amount of events registered # per application (aid stands for application id). throttle_or_track(rack_attack, 'throttle_product_analytics_collector', limit: 100, period: 60) do |req| if req.product_analytics_collector_request? req.params['aid'] end end throttle_or_track(rack_attack, 'throttle_authenticated_web', Gitlab::Throttle.authenticated_web_options) do |req| if req.throttle_authenticated_web? req.throttled_identifer([:api, :rss, :ics]) end end throttle_or_track(rack_attack, 'throttle_unauthenticated_protected_paths', Gitlab::Throttle.protected_paths_options) do |req| if req.throttle_unauthenticated_protected_paths? req.ip end end throttle_or_track(rack_attack, 'throttle_authenticated_protected_paths_api', Gitlab::Throttle.protected_paths_options) do |req| if req.throttle_authenticated_protected_paths_api? req.throttled_identifer([:api]) end end throttle_or_track(rack_attack, 'throttle_authenticated_protected_paths_web', Gitlab::Throttle.protected_paths_options) do |req| if req.throttle_authenticated_protected_paths_web? req.throttled_identifer([:api, :rss, :ics]) end end throttle_or_track(rack_attack, 'throttle_authenticated_git_lfs', Gitlab::Throttle.throttle_authenticated_git_lfs_options) do |req| if req.throttle_authenticated_git_lfs? req.throttled_identifer([:api]) end end rack_attack.safelist('throttle_bypass_header') do |req| Gitlab::Throttle.bypass_header.present? && req.get_header(Gitlab::Throttle.bypass_header) == '1' end end def self.throttle_or_track(rack_attack, throttle_name, *args, &block) if track?(throttle_name) rack_attack.track(throttle_name, *args, &block) else rack_attack.throttle(throttle_name, *args, &block) end end def self.track?(name) dry_run_config = ENV['GITLAB_THROTTLE_DRY_RUN'].to_s.strip return false if dry_run_config.empty? return true if dry_run_config == '*' dry_run_throttles = dry_run_config.split(',').map(&:strip) # `throttle_unauthenticated` was split into API and web, so to maintain backwards-compatibility # this throttle name now controls both rate limits. if dry_run_throttles.include?('throttle_unauthenticated') dry_run_throttles += %w[throttle_unauthenticated_api throttle_unauthenticated_web] end dry_run_throttles.include?(name) end def self.user_allowlist @user_allowlist ||= begin list = UserAllowlist.new(ENV['GITLAB_THROTTLE_USER_ALLOWLIST']) Gitlab::AuthLogger.info(gitlab_throttle_user_allowlist: list.to_a) list end end end end ::Gitlab::RackAttack.prepend_mod_with('Gitlab::RackAttack')