# frozen_string_literal: true module API module Hooks # It is important that this re-usable module is not a Grape Instance, # since it will be re-mounted. # rubocop: disable API/Base class UrlVariables < ::Grape::API params do requires :hook_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of the hook' requires :key, type: String, desc: 'The key of the variable' end namespace ':hook_id/url_variables' do desc 'Set a url variable' params do requires :value, type: String, desc: 'The value of the variable' end put ":key" do hook = find_hook key = params.delete(:key) value = params.delete(:value) vars = hook.url_variables.merge(key => value) error!('Illegal key or value', 422) unless hook.update(url_variables: vars) status :no_content end desc 'Un-Set a url variable' delete ":key" do hook = find_hook key = params.delete(:key) not_found!('URL variable') unless hook.url_variables.key?(key) vars = hook.url_variables.reject { _1 == key } error!('Could not unset variable', 422) unless hook.update(url_variables: vars) status :no_content end end end # rubocop: enable API/Base end end