# frozen_string_literal: true class AbuseReport < ApplicationRecord include CacheMarkdownField include Sortable cache_markdown_field :message, pipeline: :single_line belongs_to :reporter, class_name: 'User' belongs_to :user validates :reporter, presence: true validates :user, presence: true validates :message, presence: true validates :category, presence: true validates :user_id, uniqueness: { scope: [:reporter_id, :category], message: ->(object, data) do _('You have already reported this user') end } validates :reported_from_url, allow_blank: true, length: { maximum: 512 }, addressable_url: { dns_rebind_protection: true, blocked_message: 'is an invalid URL. You can try reporting the abuse again, ' \ 'or contact a GitLab administrator for help.' } scope :by_user, ->(user) { where(user_id: user) } scope :with_users, -> { includes(:reporter, :user) } enum category: { spam: 1, offensive: 2, phishing: 3, crypto: 4, credentials: 5, copyright: 6, malware: 7, other: 8 } # For CacheMarkdownField alias_method :author, :reporter HUMANIZED_ATTRIBUTES = { reported_from_url: "Reported from" }.freeze def self.human_attribute_name(attr, options = {}) HUMANIZED_ATTRIBUTES[attr.to_sym] || super end def remove_user(deleted_by:) user.delete_async(deleted_by: deleted_by, params: { hard_delete: true }) end def notify return unless self.persisted? AbuseReportMailer.notify(self.id).deliver_later end end