import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { splitIntoChunks } from '~/vue_shared/components/source_viewer/workers/highlight_utils'; import highlightMixin from '~/repository/mixins/highlight_mixin'; import LineHighlighter from '~/blob/line_highlighter'; import Tracking from '~/tracking'; import { TEXT_FILE_TYPE } from '~/repository/constants'; import { EVENT_ACTION, EVENT_LABEL_FALLBACK, LINES_PER_CHUNK, } from '~/vue_shared/components/source_viewer/constants'; const lineHighlighter = new LineHighlighter(); jest.mock('~/blob/line_highlighter', () => jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ highlightHash: jest.fn() })); jest.mock('~/vue_shared/components/source_viewer/workers/highlight_utils', () => ({ splitIntoChunks: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([]), })); const workerMock = { postMessage: jest.fn() }; const onErrorMock = jest.fn(); describe('HighlightMixin', () => { let wrapper; const hash = '#L50'; const contentArray = Array.from({ length: 140 }, () => 'newline'); // simulate 140 lines of code const rawTextBlob = contentArray.join('\n'); const languageMock = 'javascript'; const createComponent = ({ fileType = TEXT_FILE_TYPE, language = languageMock } = {}) => { const simpleViewer = { fileType }; const dummyComponent = { mixins: [highlightMixin], inject: { highlightWorker: { default: workerMock } }, template: '
', created() { this.initHighlightWorker({ rawTextBlob, simpleViewer, language }); }, methods: { onError: onErrorMock }, }; wrapper = shallowMount(dummyComponent, { mocks: { $route: { hash } } }); }; beforeEach(() => createComponent()); afterEach(() => wrapper.destroy()); describe('initHighlightWorker', () => { const firstSeventyLines = contentArray.slice(0, LINES_PER_CHUNK).join('\n'); it('does not instruct worker if file is not a text file', () => { workerMock.postMessage.mockClear(); createComponent({ fileType: 'markdown' }); expect(workerMock.postMessage).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('tracks event if a language is not supported and does not instruct worker', () => { const unsupportedLanguage = 'some_unsupported_language'; const eventData = { label: EVENT_LABEL_FALLBACK, property: unsupportedLanguage }; jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'event'); workerMock.postMessage.mockClear(); createComponent({ language: unsupportedLanguage }); expect(Tracking.event).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, EVENT_ACTION, eventData); expect(onErrorMock).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(workerMock.postMessage).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('generates a chunk for the first 70 lines of raw text', () => { expect(splitIntoChunks).toHaveBeenCalledWith(languageMock, firstSeventyLines); }); it('calls postMessage on the worker', () => { expect(workerMock.postMessage.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); // first call instructs worker to highlight the first 70 lines expect(workerMock.postMessage.mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({ content: firstSeventyLines, language: languageMock, }); // second call instructs worker to highlight all of the lines expect(workerMock.postMessage.mock.calls[1][0]).toMatchObject({ content: rawTextBlob, language: languageMock, }); }); }); describe('worker message handling', () => { const CHUNK_MOCK = { startingFrom: 0, totalLines: 70, highlightedContent: 'some content' }; beforeEach(() => workerMock.onmessage({ data: [CHUNK_MOCK] })); it('updates the chunks data', () => { expect(wrapper.text()).toBe(CHUNK_MOCK.highlightedContent); }); it('highlights hash', () => { expect(lineHighlighter.highlightHash).toHaveBeenCalledWith(hash); }); }); });