import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import AjaxCache from '~/lib/utils/ajax_cache'; describe('AjaxCache', () => { const dummyEndpoint = '/AjaxCache/dummyEndpoint'; const dummyResponse = { important: 'dummy data', }; beforeEach(() => { AjaxCache.internalStorage = {}; AjaxCache.pendingRequests = {}; }); describe('get', () => { it('returns undefined if cache is empty', () => { const data = AjaxCache.get(dummyEndpoint); expect(data).toBe(undefined); }); it('returns undefined if cache contains no matching data', () => { AjaxCache.internalStorage['not matching'] = dummyResponse; const data = AjaxCache.get(dummyEndpoint); expect(data).toBe(undefined); }); it('returns matching data', () => { AjaxCache.internalStorage[dummyEndpoint] = dummyResponse; const data = AjaxCache.get(dummyEndpoint); expect(data).toBe(dummyResponse); }); }); describe('hasData', () => { it('returns false if cache is empty', () => { expect(AjaxCache.hasData(dummyEndpoint)).toBe(false); }); it('returns false if cache contains no matching data', () => { AjaxCache.internalStorage['not matching'] = dummyResponse; expect(AjaxCache.hasData(dummyEndpoint)).toBe(false); }); it('returns true if data is available', () => { AjaxCache.internalStorage[dummyEndpoint] = dummyResponse; expect(AjaxCache.hasData(dummyEndpoint)).toBe(true); }); }); describe('remove', () => { it('does nothing if cache is empty', () => { AjaxCache.remove(dummyEndpoint); expect(AjaxCache.internalStorage).toEqual({}); }); it('does nothing if cache contains no matching data', () => { AjaxCache.internalStorage['not matching'] = dummyResponse; AjaxCache.remove(dummyEndpoint); expect(AjaxCache.internalStorage['not matching']).toBe(dummyResponse); }); it('removes matching data', () => { AjaxCache.internalStorage[dummyEndpoint] = dummyResponse; AjaxCache.remove(dummyEndpoint); expect(AjaxCache.internalStorage).toEqual({}); }); }); describe('override', () => { it('overrides existing cache', () => { AjaxCache.internalStorage.endpoint = 'existing-endpoint'; AjaxCache.override('endpoint', 'new-endpoint'); expect(AjaxCache.internalStorage.endpoint).toEqual('new-endpoint'); }); }); describe('retrieve', () => { let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); it('stores and returns data from Ajax call if cache is empty', () => { mock.onGet(dummyEndpoint).reply(200, dummyResponse); return AjaxCache.retrieve(dummyEndpoint).then((data) => { expect(data).toEqual(dummyResponse); expect(AjaxCache.internalStorage[dummyEndpoint]).toEqual(dummyResponse); }); }); it('makes no Ajax call if request is pending', () => { mock.onGet(dummyEndpoint).reply(200, dummyResponse); return Promise.all([ AjaxCache.retrieve(dummyEndpoint), AjaxCache.retrieve(dummyEndpoint), ]).then(() => { expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); }); it('returns undefined if Ajax call fails and cache is empty', () => { const errorMessage = 'Network Error'; mock.onGet(dummyEndpoint).networkError(); expect.assertions(2); return AjaxCache.retrieve(dummyEndpoint).catch((error) => { expect(error.message).toBe(`${dummyEndpoint}: ${errorMessage}`); expect(error.textStatus).toBe(errorMessage); }); }); it('makes no Ajax call if matching data exists', () => { AjaxCache.internalStorage[dummyEndpoint] = dummyResponse; return AjaxCache.retrieve(dummyEndpoint).then((data) => { expect(data).toBe(dummyResponse); expect(axios.get).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); it('makes Ajax call even if matching data exists when forceRequest parameter is provided', () => { const oldDummyResponse = { important: 'old dummy data', }; AjaxCache.internalStorage[dummyEndpoint] = oldDummyResponse; mock.onGet(dummyEndpoint).reply(200, dummyResponse); return Promise.all([ AjaxCache.retrieve(dummyEndpoint), AjaxCache.retrieve(dummyEndpoint, true), ]).then((data) => { expect(data).toEqual([oldDummyResponse, dummyResponse]); }); }); }); });