import Vue from 'vue'; import asyncButtonComp from '~/pipelines/components/async_button.vue'; describe('Pipelines Async Button', () => { let component; let spy; let AsyncButtonComponent; beforeEach(() => { AsyncButtonComponent = Vue.extend(asyncButtonComp); spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()); component = new AsyncButtonComponent({ propsData: { endpoint: '/foo', title: 'Foo', icon: 'fa fa-foo', cssClass: 'bar', service: { postAction: spy, }, }, }).$mount(); }); it('should render a button', () => { expect(component.$el.tagName).toEqual('BUTTON'); }); it('should render the provided icon', () => { expect(component.$el.querySelector('i').getAttribute('class')).toContain('fa fa-foo'); }); it('should render the provided title', () => { expect(component.$el.getAttribute('title')).toContain('Foo'); expect(component.$el.getAttribute('aria-label')).toContain('Foo'); }); it('should render the provided cssClass', () => { expect(component.$el.getAttribute('class')).toContain('bar'); }); it('should call the service when it is clicked with the provided endpoint', () => { component.$; expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/foo'); }); it('should hide loading if request fails', () => { spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy').and.returnValue(Promise.reject()); component = new AsyncButtonComponent({ propsData: { endpoint: '/foo', title: 'Foo', icon: 'fa fa-foo', cssClass: 'bar', dataAttributes: { 'data-foo': 'foo', }, service: { postAction: spy, }, }, }).$mount(); component.$; expect(component.$el.querySelector('.fa-spinner')).toBe(null); }); describe('With confirm dialog', () => { it('should call the service when confimation is positive', () => { spyOn(window, 'confirm').and.returnValue(true); spy = jasmine.createSpy('spy').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve()); component = new AsyncButtonComponent({ propsData: { endpoint: '/foo', title: 'Foo', icon: 'fa fa-foo', cssClass: 'bar', service: { postAction: spy, }, confirmActionMessage: 'bar', }, }).$mount(); component.$; expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/foo'); }); }); });