module Gitlab module ChatCommands class IssueNew < IssueCommand def self.match(text) # we can not match \n with the dot by passing the m modifier as than # the title and description are not seperated /\Aissue\s+(new|create)\s+(?[^\n]*)\n*(?<description>(.|\n)*)/.match(text) end def self.help_message 'issue new <title> *`⇧ Shift`*+*`↵ Enter`* <description>' end def self.allowed?(project, user) can?(user, :create_issue, project) end def execute(match) title = match[:title] description = match[:description].to_s.rstrip issue = create_issue(title: title, description: description) if issue.persisted? presenter(issue).present else presenter(issue).display_errors end end private def create_issue(title:, description:), current_user, title: title, description: description).execute end def presenter(issue) end end end end