class Projects::ApplicationController < ApplicationController include RoutableActions skip_before_action :authenticate_user! before_action :redirect_git_extension before_action :project before_action :repository layout 'project' helper_method :repository, :can_collaborate_with_project? private def redirect_git_extension # Redirect from # localhost/group/project.git # to # localhost/group/project # redirect_to url_for(params.merge(format: nil)) if params[:format] == 'git' end def project return @project if @project path = File.join(params[:namespace_id], params[:project_id] || params[:id]) auth_proc = ->(project) { !project.pending_delete? } @project = find_routable!(Project, path, extra_authorization_proc: auth_proc) end def build_canonical_path(project) params[:namespace_id] = project.namespace.to_param params[:project_id] = project.to_param url_for(params) end def repository @repository ||= project.repository end def can_collaborate_with_project?(project = nil) project ||= @project can?(current_user, :push_code, project) || (current_user && current_user.already_forked?(project)) end def authorize_action!(action) unless can?(current_user, action, project) return access_denied! end end def method_missing(method_sym, *arguments, &block) if method_sym.to_s =~ /\Aauthorize_(.*)!\z/ authorize_action!($1.to_sym) else super end end def require_non_empty_project # Be sure to return status code 303 to avoid a double DELETE: # redirect_to namespace_project_path(@project.namespace, @project), status: 303 if @project.empty_repo? end def require_branch_head unless @repository.branch_exists?(@ref) redirect_to( namespace_project_tree_path(@project.namespace, @project, @ref), notice: "This action is not allowed unless you are on a branch" ) end end def apply_diff_view_cookie! cookies.permanent[:diff_view] = params.delete(:view) if params[:view].present? end def builds_enabled return render_404 unless @project.feature_available?(:builds, current_user) end def require_pages_enabled! not_found unless Gitlab.config.pages.enabled end end