/* eslint-disable no-new, class-methods-use-this */ import { GlBreakpointInstance as bp } from '@gitlab/ui/dist/utils'; import $ from 'jquery'; import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import Vue from 'vue'; import createEventHub from '~/helpers/event_hub_factory'; import BlobForkSuggestion from './blob/blob_fork_suggestion'; import Diff from './diff'; import createFlash from './flash'; import initChangesDropdown from './init_changes_dropdown'; import axios from './lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { parseUrlPathname, handleLocationHash, isMetaClick, parseBoolean, scrollToElement, } from './lib/utils/common_utils'; import { localTimeAgo } from './lib/utils/datetime_utility'; import { isInVueNoteablePage } from './lib/utils/dom_utils'; import { getLocationHash } from './lib/utils/url_utility'; import { __ } from './locale'; import Notes from './notes'; import syntaxHighlight from './syntax_highlight'; // MergeRequestTabs // // Handles persisting and restoring the current tab selection and lazily-loading // content on the MergeRequests#show page. // // ### Example Markup // // // //
// Notes Content //
// Commits Content //
// Diffs Content //
// //
// Loading Animation //
// // Store the `location` object, allowing for easier stubbing in tests let { location } = window; export default class MergeRequestTabs { constructor({ action, setUrl, stubLocation } = {}) { this.mergeRequestTabs = document.querySelector('.merge-request-tabs-container'); this.mergeRequestTabsAll = this.mergeRequestTabs && this.mergeRequestTabs.querySelectorAll ? this.mergeRequestTabs.querySelectorAll('.merge-request-tabs li') : null; this.mergeRequestTabPanes = document.querySelector('#diff-notes-app'); this.mergeRequestTabPanesAll = this.mergeRequestTabPanes && this.mergeRequestTabPanes.querySelectorAll ? this.mergeRequestTabPanes.querySelectorAll('.tab-pane') : null; const navbar = document.querySelector('.navbar-gitlab'); const peek = document.getElementById('js-peek'); const paddingTop = 16; this.commitsTab = document.querySelector('.tab-content .commits.tab-pane'); this.currentTab = null; this.diffsLoaded = false; this.pipelinesLoaded = false; this.commitsLoaded = false; this.fixedLayoutPref = null; this.eventHub = createEventHub(); this.setUrl = setUrl !== undefined ? setUrl : true; this.setCurrentAction = this.setCurrentAction.bind(this); this.tabShown = this.tabShown.bind(this); this.clickTab = this.clickTab.bind(this); this.stickyTop = navbar ? navbar.offsetHeight - paddingTop : 0; if (peek) { this.stickyTop += peek.offsetHeight; } if (this.mergeRequestTabs) { this.stickyTop += this.mergeRequestTabs.offsetHeight; } if (stubLocation) { location = stubLocation; } this.bindEvents(); if ( this.mergeRequestTabs && this.mergeRequestTabs.querySelector(`a[data-action='${action}']`) && this.mergeRequestTabs.querySelector(`a[data-action='${action}']`).click ) { this.mergeRequestTabs.querySelector(`a[data-action='${action}']`).click(); } } bindEvents() { $('.merge-request-tabs a[data-toggle="tabvue"]').on('click', this.clickTab); window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => { if (event.state && event.state.action) { this.tabShown(event.state.action, event.target.location); this.currentAction = event.state.action; this.eventHub.$emit('MergeRequestTabChange', this.getCurrentAction()); } }); } // Used in tests unbindEvents() { $('.merge-request-tabs a[data-toggle="tabvue"]').off('click', this.clickTab); } destroyPipelinesView() { if (this.commitPipelinesTable) { this.commitPipelinesTable.$destroy(); this.commitPipelinesTable = null; document.querySelector('#commit-pipeline-table-view').innerHTML = ''; } } clickTab(e) { if (e.currentTarget) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); const { action } = e.currentTarget.dataset || {}; if (isMetaClick(e)) { const targetLink = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('href'); window.open(targetLink, '_blank'); } else if (action) { const href = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('href'); this.tabShown(action, href); if (this.setUrl) { this.setCurrentAction(action); } } } } tabShown(action, href) { if (action !== this.currentTab && this.mergeRequestTabs) { this.currentTab = action; if (this.mergeRequestTabPanesAll) { this.mergeRequestTabPanesAll.forEach((el) => { const tabPane = el; tabPane.style.display = 'none'; }); } if (this.mergeRequestTabsAll) { this.mergeRequestTabsAll.forEach((el) => { el.classList.remove('active'); }); } const tabPane = this.mergeRequestTabPanes.querySelector(`#${action}`); if (tabPane) tabPane.style.display = 'block'; const tab = this.mergeRequestTabs.querySelector(`.${action}-tab`); if (tab) tab.classList.add('active'); if (action === 'commits') { this.loadCommits(href); this.expandView(); this.resetViewContainer(); this.destroyPipelinesView(); } else if (action === 'new') { this.expandView(); this.resetViewContainer(); this.destroyPipelinesView(); } else if (this.isDiffAction(action)) { if (!isInVueNoteablePage()) { this.loadDiff(href); } if (bp.getBreakpointSize() !== 'xl') { this.shrinkView(); } this.expandViewContainer(); this.destroyPipelinesView(); this.commitsTab.classList.remove('active'); } else if (action === 'pipelines') { this.resetViewContainer(); this.mountPipelinesView(); } else { this.mergeRequestTabPanes.querySelector('#notes').style.display = 'block'; this.mergeRequestTabs.querySelector('.notes-tab').classList.add('active'); if (bp.getBreakpointSize() !== 'xs') { this.expandView(); } this.resetViewContainer(); this.destroyPipelinesView(); } $('.detail-page-description').renderGFM(); } else if (action === this.currentAction) { // ContentTop is used to handle anything at the top of the page before the main content const mainContentContainer = document.querySelector('.content-wrapper'); const tabContentContainer = document.querySelector('.tab-content'); if (mainContentContainer && tabContentContainer) { const mainContentTop = mainContentContainer.getBoundingClientRect().top; const tabContentTop = tabContentContainer.getBoundingClientRect().top; // 51px is the height of the navbar buttons, e.g. `Discussion | Commits | Changes` const scrollDestination = tabContentTop - mainContentTop - 51; // scrollBehavior is only available in browsers that support scrollToOptions if ('scrollBehavior' in document.documentElement.style) { window.scrollTo({ top: scrollDestination, behavior: 'smooth', }); } else { window.scrollTo(0, scrollDestination); } } } this.eventHub.$emit('MergeRequestTabChange', action); } scrollToContainerElement(container) { if (location.hash) { const $el = $(`${container} ${location.hash}:not(.match)`); if ($el.length) { scrollToElement($el[0]); } } } // Replaces the current merge request-specific action in the URL with a new one // // If the action is "notes", the URL is reset to the standard // `MergeRequests#show` route. // // Examples: // // location.pathname # => "/namespace/project/-/merge_requests/1" // setCurrentAction('diffs') // location.pathname # => "/namespace/project/-/merge_requests/1/diffs" // // location.pathname # => "/namespace/project/-/merge_requests/1/diffs" // setCurrentAction('show') // location.pathname # => "/namespace/project/-/merge_requests/1" // // location.pathname # => "/namespace/project/-/merge_requests/1/diffs" // setCurrentAction('commits') // location.pathname # => "/namespace/project/-/merge_requests/1/commits" // // Returns the new URL String setCurrentAction(action) { this.currentAction = action; // Remove a trailing '/commits' '/diffs' '/pipelines' let newState = location.pathname.replace(/\/(commits|diffs|pipelines)(\.html)?\/?$/, ''); // Append the new action if we're on a tab other than 'notes' if (this.currentAction !== 'show' && this.currentAction !== 'new') { newState += `/${this.currentAction}`; } // Ensure parameters and hash come along for the ride newState += location.search + location.hash; if (window.history.state && window.history.state.url && window.location.pathname !== newState) { window.history.pushState( { url: newState, action: this.currentAction, }, document.title, newState, ); } else { window.history.replaceState( { url: window.location.href, action, }, document.title, window.location.href, ); } return newState; } getCurrentAction() { return this.currentAction; } loadCommits(source) { if (this.commitsLoaded) { return; } this.toggleLoading(true); axios .get(`${source}.json`) .then(({ data }) => { const commitsDiv = document.querySelector('div#commits'); commitsDiv.innerHTML = data.html; localTimeAgo(commitsDiv.querySelectorAll('.js-timeago')); this.commitsLoaded = true; this.scrollToContainerElement('#commits'); this.toggleLoading(false); return import('./add_context_commits_modal'); }) .then((m) => m.default()) .catch(() => { this.toggleLoading(false); createFlash({ message: __('An error occurred while fetching this tab.'), }); }); } mountPipelinesView() { const pipelineTableViewEl = document.querySelector('#commit-pipeline-table-view'); const { mrWidgetData } = gl; this.commitPipelinesTable = new Vue({ components: { CommitPipelinesTable: () => import('~/commit/pipelines/pipelines_table.vue'), }, provide: { artifactsEndpoint: pipelineTableViewEl.dataset.artifactsEndpoint, artifactsEndpointPlaceholder: pipelineTableViewEl.dataset.artifactsEndpointPlaceholder, targetProjectFullPath: mrWidgetData?.target_project_full_path || '', }, render(createElement) { return createElement('commit-pipelines-table', { props: { endpoint: pipelineTableViewEl.dataset.endpoint, emptyStateSvgPath: pipelineTableViewEl.dataset.emptyStateSvgPath, errorStateSvgPath: pipelineTableViewEl.dataset.errorStateSvgPath, canCreatePipelineInTargetProject: Boolean( mrWidgetData?.can_create_pipeline_in_target_project, ), sourceProjectFullPath: mrWidgetData?.source_project_full_path || '', targetProjectFullPath: mrWidgetData?.target_project_full_path || '', projectId: pipelineTableViewEl.dataset.projectId, mergeRequestId: mrWidgetData ? mrWidgetData.iid : null, }, }); }, }).$mount(); // $mount(el) replaces the el with the new rendered component. We need it in order to mount // it everytime this tab is clicked - https://vuejs.org/v2/api/#vm-mount pipelineTableViewEl.appendChild(this.commitPipelinesTable.$el); } loadDiff(source) { if (this.diffsLoaded) { document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('scroll')); return; } // We extract pathname for the current Changes tab anchor href // some pages like MergeRequestsController#new has query parameters on that anchor const urlPathname = parseUrlPathname(source); this.toggleLoading(true); axios .get(`${urlPathname}.json${location.search}`) .then(({ data }) => { const $container = $('#diffs'); $container.html(data.html); initChangesDropdown(this.stickyTop); localTimeAgo(document.querySelectorAll('#diffs .js-timeago')); syntaxHighlight($('#diffs .js-syntax-highlight')); if (this.isDiffAction(this.currentAction)) { this.expandViewContainer(); } this.diffsLoaded = true; new Diff(); this.scrollToContainerElement('#diffs'); $('.diff-file').each((i, el) => { new BlobForkSuggestion({ openButtons: $(el).find('.js-edit-blob-link-fork-toggler'), forkButtons: $(el).find('.js-fork-suggestion-button'), cancelButtons: $(el).find('.js-cancel-fork-suggestion-button'), suggestionSections: $(el).find('.js-file-fork-suggestion-section'), actionTextPieces: $(el).find('.js-file-fork-suggestion-section-action'), }).init(); }); // Scroll any linked note into view // Similar to `toggler_behavior` in the discussion tab const hash = getLocationHash(); const anchor = hash && $container.find(`.note[id="${hash}"]`); if (anchor && anchor.length > 0) { const notesContent = anchor.closest('.notes-content'); const lineType = notesContent.hasClass('new') ? 'new' : 'old'; Notes.instance.toggleDiffNote({ target: anchor, lineType, forceShow: true, }); anchor[0].scrollIntoView(); handleLocationHash(); // We have multiple elements on the page with `#note_xxx` // (discussion and diff tabs) and `:target` only applies to the first anchor.addClass('target'); } this.toggleLoading(false); }) .catch(() => { this.toggleLoading(false); createFlash({ message: __('An error occurred while fetching this tab.'), }); }); } // Show or hide the loading spinner // // status - Boolean, true to show, false to hide toggleLoading(status) { $('.mr-loading-status .loading').toggleClass('hide', !status); } diffViewType() { return $('.js-diff-view-buttons button.active').data('viewType'); } isDiffAction(action) { return action === 'diffs' || action === 'new/diffs'; } expandViewContainer(removeLimited = true) { const $wrapper = $('.content-wrapper .container-fluid').not('.breadcrumbs'); if (this.fixedLayoutPref === null) { this.fixedLayoutPref = $wrapper.hasClass('container-limited'); } if (this.diffViewType() === 'parallel' || removeLimited) { $wrapper.removeClass('container-limited'); } else { $wrapper.toggleClass('container-limited', this.fixedLayoutPref); } } resetViewContainer() { if (this.fixedLayoutPref !== null) { $('.content-wrapper .container-fluid').toggleClass('container-limited', this.fixedLayoutPref); } } shrinkView() { const $gutterBtn = $('.js-sidebar-toggle:visible'); const $expandSvg = $gutterBtn.find('.js-sidebar-expand'); // Wait until listeners are set setTimeout(() => { // Only when sidebar is expanded if ($expandSvg.length && $expandSvg.hasClass('hidden')) { $gutterBtn.trigger('click', [true]); } }, 0); } // Expand the issuable sidebar unless the user explicitly collapsed it expandView() { if (parseBoolean(Cookies.get('collapsed_gutter'))) { return; } const $gutterBtn = $('.js-sidebar-toggle'); const $collapseSvg = $gutterBtn.find('.js-sidebar-collapse'); // Wait until listeners are set setTimeout(() => { // Only when sidebar is collapsed if ($collapseSvg.length && !$collapseSvg.hasClass('hidden')) { $gutterBtn.trigger('click', [true]); } }, 0); } }