/* eslint-disable no-new */ import $ from 'jquery'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import MiniPipelineGraph from '~/mini_pipeline_graph_dropdown'; import timeoutPromise from './helpers/set_timeout_promise_helper'; describe('Mini Pipeline Graph Dropdown', () => { preloadFixtures('static/mini_dropdown_graph.html.raw'); beforeEach(() => { loadFixtures('static/mini_dropdown_graph.html.raw'); }); describe('When is initialized', () => { it('should initialize without errors when no options are given', () => { const miniPipelineGraph = new MiniPipelineGraph(); expect(miniPipelineGraph.dropdownListSelector).toEqual('.js-builds-dropdown-container'); }); it('should set the container as the given prop', () => { const container = '.foo'; const miniPipelineGraph = new MiniPipelineGraph({ container }); expect(miniPipelineGraph.container).toEqual(container); }); }); describe('When dropdown is clicked', () => { let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); }); it('should call getBuildsList', () => { const getBuildsListSpy = spyOn( MiniPipelineGraph.prototype, 'getBuildsList', ).and.callFake(function () {}); new MiniPipelineGraph({ container: '.js-builds-dropdown-tests' }).bindEvents(); document.querySelector('.js-builds-dropdown-button').click(); expect(getBuildsListSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('should make a request to the endpoint provided in the html', () => { const ajaxSpy = spyOn(axios, 'get').and.callThrough(); mock.onGet('foobar').reply(200, { html: '', }); new MiniPipelineGraph({ container: '.js-builds-dropdown-tests' }).bindEvents(); document.querySelector('.js-builds-dropdown-button').click(); expect(ajaxSpy.calls.allArgs()[0][0]).toEqual('foobar'); }); it('should not close when user uses cmd/ctrl + click', (done) => { mock.onGet('foobar').reply(200, { html: `