# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'profiles/keys/_form.html.haml' do let_it_be(:key) { Key.new } let(:page) { Capybara::Node::Simple.new(rendered) } before do assign(:key, key) end context 'when the form partial is used' do before do allow(view).to receive(:ssh_key_expires_field_description).and_return('Key can still be used after expiration.') render end it 'renders the form with the correct action' do expect(page.find('form')['action']).to eq('/-/profile/keys') end it 'has the key field', :aggregate_failures do expect(rendered).to have_field('Key', type: 'textarea', placeholder: 'Typically starts with "ssh-ed25519 …" or "ssh-rsa …"') expect(rendered).to have_text("Paste your public SSH key, which is usually contained in the file '~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub' or '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' and begins with 'ssh-ed25519' or 'ssh-rsa'. Do not paste your private SSH key, as that can compromise your identity.") end it 'has the title field', :aggregate_failures do expect(rendered).to have_field('Title', type: 'text', placeholder: 'e.g. My MacBook key') expect(rendered).to have_text('Give your individual key a title. This will be publicly visible.') end it 'has the expires at field', :aggregate_failures do expect(rendered).to have_field('Expiration date', type: 'date') expect(page.find_field('Expiration date')['min']).to eq(l(1.day.from_now, format: "%Y-%m-%d")) expect(rendered).to have_text('Key can still be used after expiration.') end it 'has the validation warning', :aggregate_failures do expect(rendered).to have_text("Oops, are you sure? Publicly visible private SSH keys can compromise your system.") expect(rendered).to have_button('Yes, add it') end it 'has the submit button' do expect(rendered).to have_button('Add key') end end end