import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import Form from '~/user_lists/components/user_list_form.vue'; import { userList } from '../../feature_flags/mock_data'; describe('user_lists/components/user_list_form', () => { let wrapper; let input; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(Form, { propsData: { cancelPath: '/cancel', saveButtonLabel: 'Save', userListsDocsPath: '/docs', userList, }, }); input = wrapper.find('[data-testid="user-list-name"]'); }); it('should set the name to the name of the given user list', () => { expect(input.element.value).toBe(; }); it('should link to the user lists docs', () => { expect(wrapper.find('[data-testid="user-list-docs-link"]').attributes('href')).toBe('/docs'); }); it('should emit an updated user list when save is clicked', () => { input.setValue('test'); wrapper.find('[data-testid="save-user-list"]').trigger('click'); expect(wrapper.emitted('submit')).toEqual([[{ ...userList, name: 'test' }]]); }); it('should set the cancel button to the passed url', () => { expect(wrapper.find('[data-testid="user-list-cancel"]').attributes('href')).toBe('/cancel'); }); });